"There is no wind. Should he raise the sail in order to go faster."
A) Yes.
Congratulations Relative in even finding this question. You are quite right in all that you say.
(The mouse is still in the pool. Should it make a dash?)
A mouse was chased by a cat. Just as the cat was about to catch it, the mouse jumped into a swimming pool, which was round in shape. The cat circled around the pool, waiting for the mouse to come out of water. Knowing that the cat could run 2.5 times faster than the mouse could swim, do you think the mouse could get out of the pool safely
After being captured by the tribe of the forest, the three explorers were taken to the tribe's chief, who declared that the tribe needed a successor of great wisdom. He showed the captives five skullcaps, three of which were red and the remaining two were green. He commanded the three to line up with their faces toward the wall. On each he placed a red skullcap.
"Now", the chief said, "turn around and look at each other. Whoever can tell me, with a logical explanation, the colour of the skullcap you are wearing will be granted freedom."
The three turned around, looked at each other, and after a long pause one of them said, "I don't know." Two natives impaled him on their spears.
After another pause, the second prisoner stuttered, "I don't know." The two natives threw him into a fire pit.
Immediately, the third man turned a cartwheel, announced, "My skullcap is red," and proceeded to explain.
Amidst the applause of the gathered tribesmen, the chief awarded the explorer vice-chiefdom of the tribe for his wisdom
How did the explorer know that his skullcap was red
As Dante was reaching River Ztyx on his way back from the Underworld, he was expecting to hitch a ride back on Charon's boat, and then go to pay a visit in Purgatory. As things went, Charon turned out to be a rather nasty fellow. Instead of giving Dante a nice, hassle-free trip back across the damned river, he called his three best buddies. Dante looked at them. The monsters were pretty ugly overall.
"You see, Dante, nothing is free in life - or death - except suffering," said Charon. "My three friends here, although they all look repulsive, are rather peculiar: one of them always tells the truth, another one always lies, and the last one is a bit of a lunatic: sometimes it tells the truth and sometimes it lies. You have a total of three questions you can ask them to find out which one is which. I'll take you on the other side of the Ztyx if and only if you can tell me, without a shadow of a doubt, which one tells the truth, which one is the liar, and which one is the lunatic one. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you - silly me - they can only answer yes or no... isn't life great?"
What three questions will enable Dante to cross the River Ztyx
Each question is directed to, and answered by, only one creature.
The creatures themselves know who is the truth-teller, who is the liar, and who is the lunatic.
The solution does not rely on asking them questions that they are not able to answer due to uncertainty. eg, asking the liar or the truth-teller to predict whether the lunatic will say yes or no to a given question.