third one seems pretty easy, but since you are mentioning that you failed with it, I wonder if there is some trick I can't see

However, the way it's put - of course, Little Moe was guilty. Fact is they used car, fact is One-Eyed Bob couldn't drive, so either Smooth Ricky or Little Moe had to drive. If Smooth drive, then Little is also involved because third condition says that SR would never get involved if LM is not participating.
There is also possibility (it's not clear said in the task) that One-Eyed Bob and some other criminals commited robbery, but in that case you cannot assume anything for Little Moe (neither that he is guilty nor innocent), so I suppose it's out of question.
As for three convicts, I suppose they can agree that every day one of them pours soup and one chooses - for example: Day 1: Tom pours, Jerry chooses first, then Sam, Day 2: Jerry pours, Sam chooses first, then Tom, Day 3: Sam pours, Tom chooses first, then Jerry, etc.
biggest number that can be wrote of 1,2,3, without using any symbols, and using every digit only once, is (12)3 (I don't know how to write it - it's 12x12x12)