Relative, your return has been eagerly awaited. I hope we find you in fine form for the challenges ahead.
Quote, "Hi! I'm still alive - though all my potentials used right now."
Peak Potentials Training is one of the fastest growing business and personal success training companies in North America.
We specialize in "inner world principles for real world success."
Our goal is to help people identify and overcome the hidden obstacles that hold them back from reaching their full potential in terms of both success and happiness. So far we have helped over 150,000 people transform their lives!
By utilizing high-impact, breakthrough processes, our participants experience both immediate and long term changes that include higher incomes, greater net worth, better relationships, true power and a sense of inner peace.
Peak Potentials' seminars are taught using high-involvement, accelerated learning techniques that allow participants to learn faster, remember more and have tons of fun (all while dramatically enhancing their lives).
"Our Mission is to educate and inspire people to live
in their Higher Self based in Courage, Purpose
and Joy, versus Fear, Need and Obligation."
If there is one word to describe the Peak Potentials philosophy, that word is "ACTION!" Our seminars are extraordinary however we believe it's what you do and what happens in your life after the seminar that really counts!
Now we will see if you were paying attention.
Young Jack and Jill are brother and sister.
Three years ago, Jack was seven times as old as Jill.
Two years ago, he was four times as old.
Last year he was three times as old, and
This year he is two and one half times as old.
How old are Jack and Jill
Four extremely bright women are at a party. The hostess takes a set of eight stickers, 4 yellow and 4 purple, and shows the stickers to the other three women. She then puts two stickers on the forehead of each woman. Everyone can see all the other stickers except the two in the hostess' pocket and the two on her own head. The hostess asks each woman in turn if she knows the colors of her own stickers. The answer as follows:
Alice: "No"
Brenda: "No"
Cyndi: "No"
Alice: "No
Brenda: "Yes"
What are the colors of Brenda's stickers, and how did she figure it out

(Figure that at each step, the women all gave the only possible answer and that their reasoning was correct.)
Many years ago, a wealthy old man was near death. He wished to leave his fortune to one of his three children. The old man wanted to know that his fortune would be in wise hands. He stipulated that his estate would be left to the child who would sing him half as many songs as days that he had left to live.
The eldest son said he couldn't comply because he didn't know how many days his father had left to live, and besides he was too busy. The youngest son said the same thing. The man ended up leaving his money to his third child, a daughter. What did his daughter do
Put your feet up, have a drink and think carefully.