DrDick wrote:
Like I said, you are arguing what it means to be "living". Applied to this thread you are trying to justify the gunman's actions by stating he was not free, therefore not living. That is a ridiculous claim that only zealots will support.
A worm will turn, but a human being will strip and run to the land fill his dead body will be pushed into... When we say life, what do we mean; because people facing death will want life only, but those with life will want happiness as well, and what if ones happiness leads to the physical or moral death of another... Where do rights end, and when does resistence begin, and at what point is it justified... We all live lives of quiet desparation, but only the crazies among us, the John Browns or the Mc Veighs have the ability to act on their insanity, and the problem is that those nuts only got there first; that the absolute denial of rights is putting left and right in a position where they must deny civility and act to preserve their lives -which means- to preserve their rights... There is a better way, and I know it; but most of us simply do not understand the situation we are in well enough to act as one, and end the forms which are feeding off us and making our rights meaningless...
What has always been said of slave, that they are vocal instraments, tools, is as true today as ever... Don't be a tool... Act on your own accord, but if you really want to change things then do not act; but resist... The monster lives by our cooperation... We allow the foxes of the world to exist, and the political parties to function... We allow our explotation and the denial of our freedom... We consent by doing nothing... Some people do not consent, but they are no less slaves for it; but only slaves of a different sort....They are not ready for freedom until prepared for death... I think we are not prepared for freedom until prepared for life... What does it take to form healthy relationships, and what would a healthy political relationship look like???
We started out this country with a curse of slavery laid upon us... We found it necessary to defend ourselves first from strangers and then against ourselves when our strength had grown.... But we are still cursed with slavery as the inevitable result of civil rights in competition with property rights... If we cannot manage to change the old cursed form of our political relationship we are doomed to slavery and then international defeat... Only if we are free can we be a beacon of freedom to all people.... But we must dare it, dare to toss the old and form the new; and then we must ask: what sort of healthy relationship allows the exploitation of one for the benefit of another???