I'm not angry. It is an all too common and puerile rhetorical trick to state that someone is angry if you can't cope with their objections to the bullshit you are peddling. I have no stake in "origin myths"--and i am bemused by people who attempt to peddle dubious stories, especially with an appeal to undemonstrable and hilarious conspiracy stories.
Since you don't know (as you admit) who allegedly set fires at "the war department" (there were in fact no separate offices for cabinet departments at that time--decent housing was at a premium in Washington, never mind office space), it is a dubious proposition that they even took place. You have provided not a shred of evidence for your claim.
You continue to demonstrate an abyssmal ignorance of history. First, i did not at any time say that Armold was "remanded" to his tent. He asked Gates for a transfer, it was granted, and then Arnold chose to remain on the Hudson. Neither did i at any time state that he "commandeered" anyone's troops.
Arnold only came into contact with Ethan Allen at the time that Ticonderoga was taken along with its gus. That was before he asked for and received Washington's permission to mount an expedition to Canada in support of the troops which Montgomery had alread lead there.
If you intend to continue to spout history, learn it first.
You are the one who has entitled this thread about Arnold, so it is hilarious to see you objecting to my comments on the titular subject. Your alleged quote of John Jay is hilarious, too. He may have said that, although this is something else for which you provide no source. But it is hilarious because Jay served in public office in New York until 1778, then did a stint of about nine months as President of the Continental Congress (a figurehead position), before going off to Spain as American minister. He remained in Europe for the rest of the revolution. I would take any statements from Jay about how the revolution was conducted with many grains of salt.
It appears to me that your only purpose in coming here is to peddle your goofy conspiracy story. If you can't do any better than that, i wonder why you bother.
But be assured that you don't anger me. In fact, you provide a good deal of entertainment.