Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2011 12:27 pm
A synopsis of the theory

Fundamental energy
According to Physics, some energy exchange lies behind any activity at all. Nothing ever happens without the expenditure or the gain of some energy. Not even a dream.
Human beings, as all living organisms, administer energy ceaselessly with whatever they do. A human Central Nervous System (or functional psyche we may call it, for narrative purposes) specifically works as a neural energy administrating system, which tends constantly to achieve a perfect neural electric analogy with any other energy developed around a human being. Kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical and whatever forms of energy always provoke spontaneously in us analogous neural energy responses. In other words, there is a constant exchange of energy between our functional psyche and our environment and our psyche tends constantly to reach and keep a perfect energy balance inside out as well as between inner psyche centers.
Dreaming is an automatic psyche device that helps in sleep to attain this goal of energy balance. Dreams happen in order to rid us of some frustrating energy dilemma of the day before (some energy deficit or excess). Energy administration is the common denominator behind the manifold workings of dreams, as it is behind all operations of our conscience in daytime and this is far more basic and important than any uninitiated mind may consider at first sight.
To begin with, we may suspect this truth by the insisting presence of intense emotions during dreams. An emotion literally is a very specific sum of energy stored in a certain part of our psyche. Plato first called this part “Thymikon,” meaning that specific part of our psyche that deals with internal (energy) charges, which might be emotions, hopes, wishes, feelings, etc, as it is mentioned by all serious Greek dictionaries in the entry “thymikon” or “thymoeides”.

Continuous Energy administration
Our conscience experiences reality by experiencing whatever pictures that real objects and situations energize our sensory organs with (eyes, ears, etc). Our mind thinks about those pictures with words providing true and consistent verbal analogies. Reality happens automatically for our conscience but the truth is produced by our minds willfully and laboriously (by spending some time and some energy).
For narrative purposes we may also say that conscience and mind are the two basic functional psyche centers constantly in touch and balance with each other and with external reality as well, forming an esoteric system of apprehending and comprehending reality, which works ceaselessly. The mind always follows the unceasing perceptual activity of conscience and gives verbal conclusions to what our conscience apprehends directly and automatically, working the two of them as a system of apprehending and comprehending reality, depositing ceaselessly in memory consistent sensory and verbal analogies of reality, in balance to each other and to external reality. This way the same system also acts as a system of balancing energy between inner centers and inside out, helping the self to adjust properly itself to the energy surrounding.

The problem
There are frequent instances, however when the mind for many practical reasons (dark, quick, unclear, repulsive or unethical events, etc) is unable or unwilling to comprehend some knotty situation that our conscience has perceived automatically. Then there is a problem, because the mind (and our psyche) can’t or wouldn’t finish properly the initial involvement of conscience with some event of reality and there is no other way around it, because the mind is the sole internal center of receiving and evaluating external reality. This problem is obvious to our psyche each time by some relevant feeling, because any difference between reality and our psyche (and our memory eventually) produces in us some emotional charge, which must be quenched in order for the inner system to balance and pacify and reestablish a proper connection with reality.
Zero energy difference with external reality is the constant duty of our functional psyche. This is actually what all art is also doing for us in daytime wakefulness. Art is any effort to align properly memory and reality in order to pacify some emotion, a feat of utmost importance for us. Art always makes better any unintelligible or unfavorable situation, by making it more beautiful for our conscience to accept it and more understandable for our mind to grasp it. Take any literary work or any movie as suitable examples. This is also what dreams do automatically for us. They help us take in and absorb the pending energy of some unfavorable or unintelligible situation.

The symbolic dream
Up to Freud all dream investigators looked at dreams as having to do with the future, as revealing some important facts that will happen. From Freud on dream investigators look at dreams as symbolic analogies of events that have already happened. The key words are “symbolic” and “analogy”. After more than twenty years of dream investigation and many dreams interpreted spatiotemporally I have come to realize that dream representations are related to specific emotions, which are energy analogies of actual events of the day before, and that the dream is a keen mechanism of discharging some pending energy piles that otherwise are very hard to get rid of. Dream representations (what we actually see in dreams), are symbolic similes in space, time and emotion of an actual initial event of the day before, which caused the pending emotional (energy) charge.
For example, if in reality we saw a red apple between two green apples and for some reason felt unhappy about it and could not or would not face this formation, in the dream we may see with pleasure a red peach between two green peaches and be relieved of the trapped emotional energy. Dreams produce symbolically more suitable pictures for us to face the same dilemmatic situations, events and energy formations.

The spatiotemporal structure
In other words, the same spatiotemporal structure is produced in the dream representation, though we may see different objects (peaches instead of the apples, which we were unable or unwilling to see in daytime reality).
In our dream we actually live once over the same frustrating situation with other pictures but similar spatiotemporal structure in order to experience it and spend the same emotional energy sustaining it and thus get rid of it. The two events, the dream and the initial real event of yesterday, are different as far as their sensory (visual) content is concerned (peaches instead of apples) but they are the same as far as the sapatiotemporal formation of their components and emotional energy is concerned.
This facsimile spatiotemporal structure of the dream representation with the real situation of the day before is feasible because both these events are triggered and sustained by the very same emotional (energy) charge. In yester reality it is the picture that forms in us the emotion but in the dream it is this pending emotion in us that concocts the similar dream representation. This way the emotion pending in us spends itself and it is over.

The day after
The memorial components of this unreal dream representation are permanently decomposed back in memory when the emotional charge that puts them together is used in the dream and spent and the dream is over.
For our wakeful logical conscience of the day after, which ignores the spatiotemporal energy parameter, the dream representation is an absurd and meaningless composition and the dream is an odd event.
With this ploy however, the dream, as all art, has actually served the ultimate purpose of aligning properly memory with reality for what is of utmost importance: energy balance, because it manages to get rid of whatever energy excess or deficit was problematic for our psyche, which could not or would not deal with them directly in daytime and in a rational way.

In a few words
To sum up the whole idea I should say that in reality of the previous day of the dream a specific sensory composition (a picture) frustrates our psyche and traps in us a pending emotional charge. The dream uses the very same emotional energy at night in order to energize from memory analogous spatiotemporally similar sensory components that form a spatiotemporally similar overall composition, which is the dream as we may remember it the next day when we wake up. The spatiotemporally facsimile formation is the standard used by the dream in order to provide automatically a symbolical energy simile of a problematic yester event.
Indeed, nothing happens without spending some energy and dreams happen in a precise way in order to spend some specific and annoying energy pending in us from the day before, when we couldn’t or wouldn’t perceive a certain picture.

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Reply Wed 19 Jan, 2011 05:07 am
Today I learned the good news I wish to spread. My ST+E theory is accepted and soon will come out in one of the worlds best scientific magazines on dreaming. Be happy. I am.
I also have this synopsis on my theory on three more philospophic sites, which are bubbling with answers and talks. I don't know why this thread here is dead. Be well!...
Reply Wed 19 Jan, 2011 05:25 am
ati wrote:
I don't know why this thread here is dead.

Leaving aside the crappy English, maybe it's a matter of a higher bullshit threshhold.
Reply Wed 19 Jan, 2011 07:43 am
Halleluiah I got a reply full of bullshit !...
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Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2011 10:51 pm
Thankyou so much for this. You have really helped me beyond words. After i woke up today after having a 6 hour dream i went flying straight for my computer and opended 6 different google result pages, and thank god i found one that made sense to me. You are a very intellegent person and the sooner people hear about this the easier their realities might be.
Forget about the reply full of bullshit. If i had found this artical months ago i might be more advanced in my life than i am as of now. I guess everyone is different and not all people are ready for this information.
If i give you my emil would you consider giving me more information that you have?
Reply Mon 4 Apr, 2011 10:55 pm
I just love the great discussions on this site. A++ to everyone.
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Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2011 01:20 am

Be well

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