Once upon a time, about 10 years ago, there was a boy that I felt the same way for. He made me feel amazing and I knew I loved him. However my parents, family and friends all disliked him. In reality he treated girls like crap, I thought I was lucky because he loved me and it was different. I was just not ready to step back and see the truth... our love, though amazing in feeling, hurt me more in the end than anything,
Flashforward 10 years. I've married a wonderful man and have two children. That boy I once loved, will always love, he hasn't changed. He is married, cheats on his wife, drinks, and can't hold a job for more than a month,
Sometimes the people around you are more right than you realize and they love you enough to try and help you out. So try taking a step back and look outside your feelings for him... is he worth it?