Fri 24 Dec, 2010 07:45 am
Placebos without Deception: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Placebo treatment can significantly influence subjective symptoms. However, it is widely believed that response to placebo requires concealment or deception. We tested whether open-label placebo (non-deceptive and non-concealed administration) is superior to a no-treatment control with matched patient-provider interactions in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
In experiments to determine if a drug or a therapy is effective, the people being studied will be broken down into at least two groups: a group which receives the drug or the therapy, and a group which is given nothing. This allows the results to be compared. In this case, rather than having one group who receives no drug or therapy, that second group is given a placebo (a substitute for a drug, a substitute which does nothing).
EDIT: The group which is not given the drug or the therapy is referred to as the control group.
Setanta wrote:
In experiments to determine if a drug or a therapy is effective, the people being studied will be broken down into at least two groups: a group which receives the drug or the therapy, and a group which is given nothing. This allows the results to be compared. In this case, rather than having one group who receives no drug or therapy, that second group is given a placebo (a substitute for a drug, a substitute which does nothing).
EDIT: The group which is not given the drug or the therapy is referred to as the control group.
Thanks Set.
I know what you say here very well before posting.
What's provide? Researchers?
If you knew, what was the question?
Provider refers to providers of health care services.
Setanta wrote:
If you knew, what was the question?
Provider refers to providers of health care services.
When I translated "no-treatment control" literarily into Chinese, I found there were only three hits in google searching result. So I reckoned that I've missed out something in its exact meaning.