Just reading
Quote:..George Bush's disastrous wars abroad...
was enough to get Pelosi my vote. Considering the fact that the GOP turned into the No Party, what Pelosi accomplished is for the history books.
The GOP was not interested in the people's concerns, but to defeat everything they thought would make Obama a failed presidency.
That the American voters were too stupid to understand the national politics for the past four years is nothing but grave for the future of our country.
The republicans are talking big about cutting expenses and taxes without understanding that the biggest portion of the fed budget are social security, MediCare (which GW Bush helped increase its cost), defense, and interest payments on the national debt.
Just where do they think they're going to cut? From social security at a time when the baby-boomers begin to retire from now, and will grow for the next decade or two? How?
What part of MediCare are they going to cut? Death panels and the government takeover of health care?
We all know the GOP will never cut defense spending.
That leaves interest payments on our debt. How do they cut that without increasing taxes?.
The rhetoric they (the GOP) use is far short from the realities of the situation.
It's going to be fun watching the GOP fight their wars with their own party.