Wed 22 Dec, 2010 04:24 am
The Kremlin’s apparently sincere efforts to refurbish the Russian
science base will soon be put to the test. A new 12-billion-rouble
(US$390-million) programme, which aims to attract highprofile
scientists to Russian universities (see Nature 465, 858; 2010),
is to announce which projects have secured funds.
The competition, launched in July, is a unique opportunity to get
Russia back on the global map of science — but it will also attract
opportunists drawn to the money on offer.
No. The protocol for listing journal publications is volume:number:year. So this means Nature, Volume 465, number 858, in the year 2010. Nature is published weekly, so i suspect that there is probably a new volume each month, which would mean that Nature has been published for just less than 20 years. I'll see what i can find out.
Well, i was completely wrong about one thing, and that is how long Nature has been published. It was first published in 1869--so it has been around for 141 years. It is possible that they have changed how the volume numbers are calculated. I have been unable to find any information on how volumes and numbers for each edition are determined.