Wed 22 Dec, 2010 02:30 am
setup = device?
Rather than supply the rodents with supplemental telomerase, the scientists devised a way to switch on the animals’ own dormant telomerase gene, known as TERT. They engineered the endogenous TERT gene to encode a fusion protein of TERT and the estrogen receptor. This fusion protein would only become activated with a special form of estrogen. With this setup, scientists could give the mice an estrogen-like drug at any time to stimulate the TERT-estrogen receptor fusion protein and make it active to maintain telomeres.
Against this backdrop, the researchers administered the estrogen drug to some of the mice via a time-release pellet inserted under the skin. Other animals, the controls, were given a pellet containing no active drug.
Here, setup refers to the engineered endogenous TERT gene. Against this backdrop refers to the information given in the first paragraph, backdrop means the engineered TERT gene's reacton to any estrogen-like drugs.
Setanta wrote:
Here, setup refers to the engineered endogenous TERT gene. Against this backdrop refers to the information given in the first paragraph, backdrop means the engineered TERT gene's reacton to any estrogen-like drugs.
Thank you Set.
But what does "against" mean here?
It's just a usage you're not familiar with. In means, in this case, as contrasted with. So, for example, if you had a lot of actors wearing white clothing, on a stage with black curtains, the actors would stand out in high contrast to the black background. "Against this backdrop" is just a stock phrase. The usage of against in this case is not common, but it is not obscure, either.
idiomatic phrase that means: conditions in which something happens