UMM Cav....that sounds delicous....I bet you are a great cook.
Yea, I'm partial to white flour also but it has to be self rising and my brand that I prefer is WR Flour. I am also partial to white cornmeal, that is self rising. I do not use yellow. And won't hardly eat anything made with yellow meal.
I do have a friend that is Cajun. It amazes me that she can take plain white rice and tomatoes and come up with a feast. It seems that rice is a main staple in her house. lol
And I'm not really fond of Wok fried meat. I do like deer fajitas. I say that, but at camp...we have this contraption that was built out of a an old tractor disc and has had legs welded onto it, that we "wok" meat in. It used more or less for a larger skillet. We pull hot coals out from under the fire and use to heat the oil. Its hard to regulate the temperature, but we do a great job cooking in it. The hardest part is keeping the firebugs from tipping it over. lol

The seem to get a thrill out of watching everyone scamper away from the fire. lol