I've already shown one on an a2k thread, the little gift tag card from my late special aunt. I'll tell a little more about her - she was born in 1900 in Idaho. She taught school in her teens in a one room school house that I think is still there in the San Juan Islands off of Washington State. She lived and worked in 20's San Francisco, and married the editor of a then nationally popular magazine, College Humor. He died of tb, and she also spent some time in a tb sanitarium in Arizona. She and he knew F Scott and Zelda, how well, I don't know.
She got a job at Disney's in the 30's, where she met and married my mother's brother. She remained a bright light in a lot of our lives for more decades, a reader who loved to talk books, witty woman.
So, the card, made when she was in her nineties from a saved old christmas card -
Next one -
one of a continuing series of year end cards. He and his mate visited me a couple of weeks ago and he cleared up that his c. cards were always late, whereas I'd admired him for sending New Year's cards, that I've saved. Turns out other people do that too. He has been quite the explorer of the flora of california (and I think several other western states). He's been a landscape architect and cartographer. Anyway, his year end notes always have a drawing. So, this year's -

The i.d. was smaller on the card, much less jaggedy.
I've got more - have saved some interesting/cared for cards over the years.
Any you've saved?