Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 04:17 am
While I respect that which you have posted and that which you have ever said to me I have to point out a few flaws in what you are saying.

First off, I cannot "have no idea of what I am talking about" - in order for me to even speak, I have to speak of that which I have experienced, is what I experience not real? To say anyone has no idea of what they are talking about is to deny existence itself.

Secondly, YOU cannot say that I "blindly react" or anyother such foolish notion, YOU know nothing about what goes into my "planning" before I post or do anything for that matter.

Third, I can only speak of that which I already know, how do you know that which I have 'currently' expressed is that which is not 'now' my 'new' way of communicating? You're making assumptions that are not only false, but not yours to make.

Fourth, what is the point in quest(ion)ing if we are not to 'find' answers? I would say that not only to answers open up possiblilty, but they make that possiblity 'possible'. There is no 'closer' to Be-ing to get, I am already Be-ing, for me to 'do' anything that would get me 'closer' to Be-ing would only take me further away than that which I have lead myself.

Fifth, Of course I look inside my 'self' for answers, it's all me Be-ing isn't it? Where else could I possibly look? In other words if I had not "previously" looked inside my 'self' for answers I would not be able to provide them to my 'self' now.

Sixth, I do recall that 'before' you told me that ''the purpose of communication is to move the conversation forward'' but now it's selling out to others? Maybe there's someone else here who doesn't know hmm? After all the only way you could have pointed out these flaws is if you saw them in your 'self'(takes one to know one). If all that you're saying is true then why did you even bother to give YOUR answers(a supposed dizzying cycle) to me? GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE.
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 07:43 am
Apparently I have nothing more to say to you. Thanks for letting me know.
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 10:52 am
better later then ever...don´t loose your time with pure mediocrity...
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 12:10 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,

"Mediocrity" is your way of saying that others have the possibility of Be-ing inferior to you so you can keep them at "arm's length" instead of opening up possibility.

"Mediocrity" is your way of telling all of us that 'you' are endowed with the right to pass judgment (play the wild card) on all of us whenever your 'territory' gets threatened or you get uncomfortable.

Now that's Be-ing mediocre!

In the 70s, I heard a minister in San Diego, Terry Cole-Whitaker, say that "What you think of me is none of my business". She was right. The only "reference point" you have is where 'you' stand. What you see in others around you is 'you'. So, what you have to say about others is more about you than it is about "your target".

Sad to say, but most people spend their lives deflecting possibility by "passing judgment" and defending territory as if that is who they are. And, they don't even know that they don't know they're doing it.

More mediocrity!!!

Have you ever heard the phrase "it takes one to know one"? It's true! The only thing you see in the 'others' around you is 'you'. 'You' see your 'reference point' in everyone around you. That's the way it is.

The real problem is that you think it's them, over there, screwing with you. ~ LMFAO

Can you say mediocrity?!

The good news is that eventually you will judge everybody to be mediocre and then you will be left with looking at 'you'. Then and only then will you 'open up possibility' for you. As I said earlier, "it takes one to know one".

When you 'love' somebody, it's 'you' projecting 'love' (you) on to them. It can't be anything else. 'You' are the 'reference point' 'love'. You are where what you call 'love' comes from. 'You' are the one who calls what you're 'feeling' 'love'. They are just a 'place-holder' for your love. You should thank them for Be-ing there and allowing you to do that. It's for your benefit that you project your 'love' on to them, not theirs. If your 'love' is anything else, then it's not your 'love', it's manipulation. To expect them to love you back in the same way and at the same time is ludicrous!

We all play the "wild card" when it suits us. Welcome to the human race. Intelligence is not playing the 'wild card' when you get uncomfortable.

We are all mediocre!

So what!
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 01:22 pm
You used to argue with me, what makes you wanna 'opt out' now?

I was having fun dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 04:31 pm
I just post what I posted, you're the one who is arguing. You argue to keep from allowing what somebody says to 'sink in' and make a difference. It's how you keep you and the people around you in place, under control. Arguing is the 'wild card' you play when somebody gets "close to home" with you. Besides you don't need me to participate in your distraction. You can do that on your own.

In the words of Monty Python "I didn't come here for an argument". (As if arguing is going to change anything. ~ LOL)

(I probably got the Monty Python quote wrong but you get my point)
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 08:32 pm
Seriously, how do you do that?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 08:54 pm
That 's an interesting post, Dasein.
I 'd welcome u to the forum,
but I see that u have been a member since September 19, 2009. (no profile filled out)

I remember Terry Cole Whitaker. I saw her show on TV
and I met her in India, in 1984, when I visited.

Your post reminded me of the accounts of some people
who have returned from death (usually in hospitals),
who have attested that while out of their human bodies,
thay knew that the same Life was shared by all medical
personnel in the room, by the flowers there, and by
the dog barking across the street; i.e., the diversity of Life
is illusionary.

Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 09:00 pm
death is the transformation from living energy to spiritual energy and I'm NOT talking about religion here
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 09:02 pm
What did she 'see' that enabled her to realise all the life in the room was the same?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 11:23 pm
north wrote:
death is the transformation from living energy to spiritual energy and I'm NOT talking about religion here
U imply that spiritual energy is not living energy ?

Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2010 11:32 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

north wrote:
death is the transformation from living energy to spiritual energy and I'm NOT talking about religion here
U imply that spiritual energy is not living energy ?



a Human Spirit
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2010 07:54 pm
You are not the concept of "energy". 'You' are the one that points out all of the 'combination of characteristics' you use to describe your 'self' as a 'thing' called energy.

You speak as if "spiritual energy" and "living energy" are unquestionable facts. "Spiritual energy" and "living energy" don't exist. They are the illusion you subscribe to.

"Spiritual" energy is a concept called energy with a 'combination of characteristics' describing something ethereal and not corporeal attached to it. Just because over 2500 years (documented) of history agrees on the concept of “spiritual energy” doesn't make it true.

"Living" energy is a concept called energy with a 'combination of characteristics' describing something living and not dead attached to it. Guess what? The same 2500 years of documented history got it wrong again.

"Energy" is nothing more than a 'combination of characteristics' (a concept) that you use to try to prove Be-ing by providing a logical, eloquent description? Wake tha' hell up! The emperor's not wearing any clothes!

"Spiritual energy" and "living energy" are the 'smoke and mirrors' you fool your 'self' with by thinking they are real and that 'you' are some thing that can be proven.

Knowing who you are and proving who you are, are 2 different entities. Attempting to 'prove' who you are by using the world's standards of measurability and definability reduces 'you' into a 'thing'. 'You” live in this world, but 'you' are not a 'thing' of this world.

When are people going to wake up to the 'possibility' that who you are is not all that mumbo jumbo you subscribe to and look at the possibility that you are the one fooling your 'self' with all that mumbo jumbo?

You can't prove what you know and what you know is the only thing that will allow you to free your 'self' from the mumbo jumbo.

Silly effin' rabbit!

BTW – I can't prove what I know. Don't ask for, expect, or demand an explanation. There comes a time in every person's life where they have to “take a leap of faith” into Be-ing who they are without reducing their 'self' into a measurable, definable, thing. Consider this to be your invitation.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2010 11:26 pm
OmSigDAVID wrote:

north wrote:
death is the transformation from living energy to spiritual energy and I'm NOT talking about religion here

U imply that spiritual energy is not living energy ?



but there is a difference between physical living energy and spiritual energy

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2010 11:29 pm
Have you observe them both under the microscope ??? From where does this assumption come ?
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2010 11:48 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:

Have you observe them both under the microscope ??? From where does this assumption come ?

well living is an energy unto it self , life its self , it changes , life evolves

in the spirit of life or for some the paranormal , it is

0 Replies
Bhanu Padmo
Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2012 11:24 am
@The Pentacle Queen,
The Death Arithmetic. Hardship and fatigue and rest/sleep may be likened to life and pre-death and death respectively. In this analogy, death becomes the irreversible terminal rest that witnesses no reawakening. Death occurs when the body is integrally fatigued beyond repair.

Death sensation is similar to rest-sensation. It is a form of satisfaction or contentment. Though it isn’t happiness, it certainly is peace. Like sleep and rest, it ought to be discretionary and painless as well.

When death fails to be discretionary, it generates pre-death pain. Consider this analogy. You were out in the forests collecting fire-wood and you are quite tired by day-end and would soon invite discretionary sleep after the supper. But you discovered that you have dropped your gold chain somewhere on your return path. Now the onset of sleep is suddenly disturbed. In other words, sleep ceased to be discretionary in the new situation. The reason for this psycho-somatic deviation is your *mistake*. The reason behind pre-death pain is personal *mistake* that makes death go out of control. The personal mistake is indeed *the shaken foundation* i.e. failure to follow concomitant reason.

To understand the matter further, we may have to consider this *death arithmetic* with respect to life-expectancy and pre-death period of pain. Every person is endowed with a personal genetics that foreshadows a concomitant personal reason. Let*s say that tenth-level personal genetics and personal reason would fetch a life-expectancy of hundred years. If the person with such a genetics stoops intellectually to a lesser level of reason, say – to the ninth level of reason, the life-expectancy would drop to ninety. To meet such a pre-mature death at the age of ninety, the body would have to commence to decay at, say, an age of eighty. Thus the premature death would be a culmination of ten years of pre-death painful living.

Death-fear is synchronous with reason-deviation and is an emotion which is ominous of the event of premature-death and pre-death pain-time. There is proportionality between death-fear and death-disaster (in the form of premature-death and pre-death pain-time). That is to say - greater the deviation from concomitant reason (commensurable with genetics), earlier is the premature death and longer is the pre-death pain-time.

Salvation is achieving the natural discretionary and painless death. Such a death is like dropping out of a dead leave from a tree.

It is possible to postpone natural death or to gain life-expectancy by way of attaining a reason-level higher than the concomitant level (commensurable with innate genetics).
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2012 12:20 pm
Although you are not talking about religion here, what is your definition of the soul?

How do you know it lives on?

From my understanding of basic biology, all forms of "life" dies with death including the soul. The brain is the essence of one's life and soul - whatever that means.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Aug, 2012 01:19 pm
@Bhanu Padmo,
what is weird in your pretense of knowing all what death is about, is the missing essential element reason of death, which is agression of another or else, the will to act as superior by forcing others to inferior states
Bhanu Padmo
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2012 12:09 pm
Cause of Death : Dream and Terminal Fatigue. We have noted earlier that the reason of death is *terminal fatigue*. Ordinarily, fatigue is organic derangement that impedes exercise of normal ability. To retrieve normal ability, one needs to undo fatigue by way of conducting organic repair.

*Rest* is the mode in which body undergoes automatic self-repair. Successful rest is experienced as *peace*.

Fatigue results from *striving* which incorporates elements of confrontation, aggression and use of force, defensive or offensive. Striving connotes acceleration of life activity and the indefatigable prospect of fatigue.

The cause of striving is *dream*. Under the spell of dream, striving becomes optimal as it is sprinkled with maximal rest.

Dream is the intuitive emotion of having a proclivity for becoming better, greater and higher. In other words, dream is the evolutionary emotion. Dream precipitates into goal, objectives, desires, needs etc. Under distraction, dream is replaced by possessiveness (selfishness) which precipitates into authoritarianism, greed, cruelty, crime etc. Under the spell of authoritarianism (aggressive attitude / will to act as superior by forcing others to inferior states) and possessiveness, striving is overburdened with unremitting and growing fatigue.

Imagine the soup of differing emotions emanating out of innumerable individuals. Individual life is a median. As such, life can*t resist imminence of terminal fatigue and death.

Death can be self-extinction, murder or accident.

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