I KNOW God does not exist

Arella Mae
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 11:28 am
What truly amazes me is when asked why we aren't out "killing gays", etc., and we explain we are not under Levitical Law and that Christ NEVER gave us the authority to go around killing people because they are different, they don't accept it! They continually rail about how evil they think God is in the OT but when you show how the OT is different from the NT and they actually are getting what they wanted.............a less mean and judgmental God..............they continually and consistently still stick to the OT. What kind of sense does that make? To me, it makes no sense.

They will mock you for believing God because that makes you less intelligent and insane but oh you better be following that God the way they see him or they will hold your feet to the fire. They actually seem to want us to go out and kill someone, why? I imagine so they can point their finger again and say See! I told you that you were crazy! How bloody irrational is that?

By no means is that the majority of nonbelievers (in my experience). That is only the very few that seem to want to have license to do anything and say anything they want to do and to "you know where" with what anyone else thinks.
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 11:32 am
So lets say that there a little cancer child (lets say 11 years old) who had his kidneys fail, has about a .05% chance that he will last more than a couple months, and lost both legs due to bed sores. ll he talks about how he want's to become an astronaut when he's older. Now the likeliness that a normal, complete heathly child becoming an astronaut is slim, but a cancer child with no legs, kidneys failed, and most likely won't live past 2 weeks is just plain irrational. Would you then completely crush his dreams and tell him that he should just give up and die already, or would you actually be a tactful human being and let him keep that comforting hope?
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 11:41 am
Footnote my hero is Thomas Paine a US founding father and the author of The Age of Reason not Richard Dawkins.

Written when he was in a French prison with his possible death by guillotine waiting for him.

Here is the link to his book.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 11:51 am
My my so we should let a large percents of the human race go on with a nonsense belief system or systems unchallenged under the theory they need it not because it had any truth to it?

We should treat adults as if they are young dying children????

Strange that there are countries in Europe now where the non-believers now outnumber the believers or are very close to doing so and they had not fallen apart due to the lack of emotional support religions give or claimed to give.

With a footnote of if you count the people who have no religion but state they belief in some unknown life force or other in the religion group or the non-religion group.

In some European counties this middle group is the largest with the believers and the atheists in rough balance.

Second comment we had have thousands of years where anyone who was honest in declaring they was not believers often face a slow death so atheists to this day are likely being undercounted due to them not being honest.

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 12:08 pm
Your "theory" if brought to light would only actually end up changing God for more shopping malls or football games (soccer)...of course most adults are children ! ...do you have any doubts on that ? How do you actually think that God/s came into the picture in the first place ?
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 12:15 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Your "theory" if brought to light would only actually end up changing God for more shopping malls or football games (soccer)...of course most adults are children ! ...do you have any doubts on that ? How do you actually think that God/s came into the picture in the first place ?

Hmm, I do not accept that most adults are fools that can not see reason but are condition by their care givers as children and reinforce by very large society pressures to be believers and even so I would love to see a study of declare believers being given lied detectors to see how many are just giving lip service to having faith.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 01:49 pm
@Arella Mae,
The amusing thing AM is that your friend you are writing to view you in the same class as a child where it is better to let you the less intelligent and emotional secure just have your silly faith for your own good.

I also do not have a high opinion of your intellect but at least I think it operate at a level where there is no excuse for you believing in nonsense that a ten years old can see is nonsense on it face.

Now the OT and the NT are supposed to picture the same god and does for the most part just adding the son as a buffer so humans do not need or are not even allow to deal directly with the evil god of the OT.

Footnote I had not run into many Christians that have a hard time going/running to the OT to condemn such things as homosexuality.

Just when you are unkind enough to point out the others things the OT condemn do they fall back on the kinder NT.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 02:10 pm
I find it sad you find it all so amusing. You may not have a high opinion of my intellect but at least I can spell and I know how to use tense in verbs.

You obviously have no understanding of the Levitical Laws in the OT. If you knew anything about the bible, then you would know that homosexuality is also condemned in the NT.

I have a great job that I get paid very well for and I am a "rockstar" according to my customers. That is what call me because I can think outside of the box to solve their problems. So, you thinking lowly of my intellect means absolutely squat to me.

You think I am unintelligent and insane because I believe in God all the while you defend your buddy with his wifeswapping lifestyle and who thinks it is okay to view child pornography. And I am insane because I believe in God?

It doesn't matter to me what you think of me. What matters to me is what I think of you. You obviously intend to insult anyone that has a belief in God. I am sorry you don't have the tolerance for people that believe in God like you have a tolerance for defending wifeswapping and viewing child porn.
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 02:39 pm
@Arella Mae,
You think I am unintelligent and insane because I believe in God all the while you defend your buddy with his wifeswapping lifestyle and who thinks it is okay to view child pornography. And I am insane because I believe in God?

I see no problem with adults having consensus sex such as SM and or wife swapping if they care to do so but I do not see how that impacted believing in god fairy tales or not.

Child Porn well that is how you define child porn, a 17 years of girl who send her boyfriend who she is legally having an ongoing sexual relationship with a nude picture of herself for example I have no problem with her producing such a picture or the boyfriend viewing it nor strangely do I believe that such a picture is in the same class as a picture of an infant or young child being rape.

It would seem that at least some lawmakers are starting to share that viewpoint and are changing the laws to redefine this crime in order to protect young people from having their lives ruin for no good reason.

Now that also have zero to do with if the Christian god is a fairy tale or not.

Ok last but not least I never claimed I am an expert on the whole bible but your claimed that the NT condemn homosexuality somewhere in it and so would you care to back that claim up as I can not remember reading any such thing in the NT.
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 02:57 pm
@Arella Mae,
If you knew anything about the bible, then you would know that homosexuality is also condemned in the NT.

I do not love Jesus but I love google and the internet!!!

No the NT did not condemned homosexual acts it did have a strong statement about a man and a woman becoming one flesh in marriage but you have to reach very far to come to the conclusion that such support of heterosexual marriage is condemning gays.

Let see there some support in the NT that Moses laws still apply and that would likely mean that the laws to kill people who work on Sundays and back talking teenagers also apply along with killing gay men.

All in all unless you are talking about something else the NT does not condemned homosexuality that I can see.
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 02:59 pm
@Arella Mae,
Arella Mae wrote:

What truly amazes me is when asked why we aren't out "killing gays", etc., and we explain we are not under Levitical Law and that Christ NEVER gave us the authority to go around killing people because they are different, they don't accept it! They continually rail about how evil they think God is in the OT but when you show how the OT is different from the NT and they actually are getting what they wanted.............a less mean and judgmental God..............they continually and consistently still stick to the OT. What kind of sense does that make? To me, it makes no sense.

Well I think you have been fed misinformation. According to Paul, jesus sighted the old testament on many occasions and in one in particular. Jesus said if there was anyone who did not agree with him being king then to bring them before him and let him watch them be executed.

Not to mention that Jesus also said that he is not a peace bringer but actually plans to pin people against each other, from the believer and non believer even if they happen to be related, mother and father against child.

Arella Mae wrote:

They will mock you for believing God because that makes you less intelligent and insane

The mocking comes from the fact that a huge majority of Christians are uneducated even in their own theology. The fact that they think the bible is an inerrant work inspired by god when the reality is the books that make up the bible were heavily edited while parts were added and other parts removed. How is that inspired if it is being messed with? There are pieces of the new testament that don't even exist in the earliest known copies. So why is it these parts don't exist until later?

Arella Mae wrote:

but oh you better be following that God the way they see him or they will hold your feet to the fire.

Because consistency is required. A huge majority of christians will make claims and then not even follow them up with any consistency. That is why people try to hold you to the dogma that is christianity. It is a way of pointing out the absurdity behind the theology. Where believers pick and choose what they want to believe and ignore the other parts that are clearly ignorance and backwards thinking.

Arella Mae wrote:

They actually seem to want us to go out and kill someone, why?

Because that is what the scripture demands that you do. Just like I have stated in my first paragraph.

Arella Mae wrote:

I imagine so they can point their finger again and say See! I told you that you were crazy! How bloody irrational is that?

If they are doing that it is to point out the inconsistency in a follower as I have said before. Modern christians cherry pick the bible to only observe the statements that are acceptable today and completely ignore all those other statements that we NO LONGER accept as right or good.

Arella Mae wrote:

By no means is that the majority of nonbelievers (in my experience). That is only the very few that seem to want to have license to do anything and say anything they want to do and to "you know where" with what anyone else thinks.

No, but you can look at it that way if you really can't figure it out. Usually it is because a believer EXPECTS non-believers to follow the dogma of christianity even though they are not a believer. That is the problem and will continue to be a problem until believers keep their beliefs to themselves and not expect everyone to obey their dogma.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 03:01 pm
Romans 1:26-27 - King James Version (KJV)

26For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

1 Corinthians 6:9 - King James Version (KJV)

9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

Jude 1:7 - King James Version (KJV)

7Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Arella Mae
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 03:02 pm
I just posted the verses.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 03:05 pm
You only prove my point. You accept your version of the bible and won't listen to anyone else's. You are entitled to what you believe. I say go for it. Just don't belittle other people because they disagree with you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 03:05 pm
This proves that you're dumb. This is like one of the first rules of Atheism. Never attack the interpretations of the bible.With all of the vast interpretations of the bible, you can make the bible say just about anything.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 03:08 pm
ThankS Kumple for the information as it been years since I read the NT.

Guess I should force myself to read it once more to refresh my memory concerning it.
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Arella Mae
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 03:09 pm
All I am trying to get across is NONE OF US have the right to belittle each other because we are different or believe differently.

None of us KNOWS whether God exists or not. I believe he does and you believe he doesn't but WE DON'T KNOW.
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 03:15 pm
@Arella Mae,
Small adaptation, we actually don't know anything outside of the existance of our own minds. That way it bundles up everyone.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 03:17 pm
@Arella Mae,
The irony comes from you sighting those verses yet I bet you work on the sabbath. The fact that you would care to point out that homosexuality is a sin, well isn't working on the sabbath also a sin? Yet you do it.
Arella Mae
Reply Thu 14 Jul, 2011 03:23 pm
Jesus did not say for anyone to bring anyone before him so he could be slain (Luke 19:27 paraphrased). This is a "fav" many have tried to sneak by before. IT IS A PARABLE. Jesus was not being literal telling anyone to bring anyone to kill anyone. Go back up to verse eleven and you will see Jesus was speaking a PARABLE.

11And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear.

I'm off on Saturdays thank you. I pointed out the verses on homosexuality because Bill asked me where it was in the NT. He brought the subject up. I did not.

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