Mon 2 Dec, 2002 08:33 pm
first game of the year
Bill and Hillary are at the first baseball game of the year, and everyone is yelling and screaming.
One of the President's cabinet advisors whispers advice into his ear, at which point Bill stands up and throws Hillary out onto the field.
The crowd goes deathly silent and the advisor says, "No, sir, what I said was, they want you to throw out the first pitch."
Good God Misti! That was
wonderful, I really needed
a laugh. Things have been
entirely too serious
lately. I do not like
it when I get a
letter from
the IRS!
sorry, misti
but it's the best I could do
in return for Hillary
Hi Babs, there's nothing like a good laugh, huh?
And no, I detest letters from the IRS ... it's never good news like telling you you overpaid them and they're returning the money:)
'Mornin' Chatoyant, hope your day is a good one:)
Chatoyant, sorry about your afternoon! Hope you feel better now:) It's amazing what walking in thru your own front door can do for your disposition:)