@Frank Apisa,
Favorite term there. Blindly guessing.
Has it never occurred to you that perhaps some of the reason I am so passionate about God is because I have seen and heard things that I couldn't explain? I have nearly 300 page of notes on coincidences that didn't add up.
And believe me, I tried. At some point, the "rational explanation" starts to look like Agent Scully yet again trying to explain away UFOs with swamp gas.
Yes, people who have never seen God are blind guessing. Yes, this applies to agnostics and atheists, they are definitely blindly guessing because they haven't seen anything. And alot of religious people haven't any proof and are content with that. I never was. I grew up in a school system where science very much was about falsifying theories (I got taught
real science rather than this "global warming is consensus" crap), and never learned from the so-called "greats" of scientific atheism. I had plenty of courses in biology, physics, and chemistry. Out of college, I wanted to have proof of what I had learned about in Sunday school and church. You know what? I got it.
So, at what point can you say you know something and aren't just blind guessing? When you've met a shapeshifting spirit being over and over again. Now feel free to talk other agnostics out of their ideas, but without doing anything besides writing down a number of mundane events and connecting patterns, I pretty clearly proved to myself that whoever I saw didn't look like a stereotypical hallucination but more spot on with something out of God Friended Me or My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho.
When categorizing UFO sightings, they have a criteria called Close Encounters. They number what kind of encounter it was.
Quote:A close encounter of the first kind is a sighting in which one or more unidentified flying objects have been spotted. This would include objects loosely described as flying saucers, objects which can not be attributed to known human technology that appear in the sky, or strange lights for which no rational explanation can be offered. Close encounters of the first kind are the most commonly reported events on the Hynek scale.
This is first on the scale because it leaves behind no trace of its passing, making it indistinguishable from hallucinations or being overtired. Hell lights in the sjy can be floaters in your eye.
Quote:A close encounter of the second kind is one in which a UFO has been spotted, but there is associated phenomena that accompanies it. The phenomena can be a crop circle, terrain damage, scared animals, electronic or mechanical interference, gaps in memory (lost time), heat or radiation, catalepsy (paralysis), or some form of unnatural physical occurrence.
Already we're past hallucinations, though this can still be explained as a hoax.
Quote:Close encounters of the third kind would be those in which a UFO has been spotted, but go further to include a visual confirmation of an animate object that is associated to the UFO. For many years, reports of a close encounter of the third kind were the most controversial as there is little to no way to prove their validity.
This seems to be a step backward, actually. But basically, the idea I think is that you got a picture of the thing, and asked other people if they saw it. Visual confirmation is still better than hallucination, as we can't all be seeing something (mass hallucinations aren't real, according to psychology), so that comes to some sort of hoax or it happened.
Quote:A close encounter of the fourth kind is one in which a human is abducted by an extraterrestrial. In some cases depending on the many interpretations of this, abduction does include a visitation in which the human is not actually taken aboard a UFO, but is in the custody of an ET while still on Earth.
You actually get snatched by what you saw. Again, could be a hoax, but now we're beyond what can be seen and into the other senses, as some probing might happen here.
Quote:A close encounter of the fifth kind is one in which there is bilateral contact with an extraterrestrial entity. This can be through some audible form of communication, or by some form of mental/telepathic communication. The contact can be initiated by either a human or extraterrestrial.
You get to talk to the alien (or supernatural creature) and it talks back.
Quote:A close encounter of the sixth kind entails a UFO or its inhabitants directly causing injury or death. It has been cited numerous times that this is unnecessary as it is already included on the Hynek scale under physical contact.
You can typically verify a death body, no? Maybe it's a hoax, but now you have lasting and permanent effect, and whoever performed the hoax is wanted for murder. This is a sort of incentive against a hoax, because it has a real risk of prosecution if police investigate and discover that this was done by people.
Quote:The most controversial encounter to most is a close encounter of the seventh kind. A close encounter of the seventh kind is one in which a human and extraterrestrial mate to produce a hybrid being.
Lastly, we have what would be called a demigod or Nephilim in mythical cultures. We read an account in Noah's Ark about just this phenomenon. Obviously, this is the hardest to deny in the scale, because the child grows up with supernatural powers.
So, by this scale, I had a Close Enounter of the Fifth Kind with a supernatural being. I didn't see antthing immediately dramatic but rather I communicated and got talked to right back. Repeatedly by what seemed to be different people but same mannerisms , same catchphrases, same general outlook.
Could this be a hoax? Sure. But then you'd have to explain the motive for such a thing. I am nobody special, and nobody is likely to listen to me. This event was wholly because I needed to know if God was real. If what I was taught in church is real.
I know. I don't have to blind guess.
But you keep blindly guessing. Maybe one day you'll find what you need and want.