@Frank Apisa,
No it's not.
I just didn't have any time or energy to commit to it. I just got back yesterday.
We have a ridiculously large (I deliberately made it "over 9000" ) universe filled with all sorts of things to explore, if the round Earthers are right and it isn't all just a parallax. We have all sorts of plants,animals, fungi, protists, monera, archae, and there's things that don't fit properly like some practical joke (gingko and platypus). Anyone who can see has no reason not to believe in God.
What about blind people? Well it's actually a miracle that someone completely bkind can manage in this world. They can go to a library and find something to read to them, there are braille (personally, I think Braille is a suck system, it doesn't seem to relate to the real shape of letters, meaning it's something people have to learn artificially) books and signs and resources to give them a fairly full life. There are doggos to guide them across streets.
But there are plenty of things in this world for them even if they stubbornly refuse help. Things to hear, feel, and smell. And increasingly there are actual cures for blindness. Will you also be cured of your spiritual blindness?
So yes, the proof exists all around us. The created universe is vast, and our world brims with life.
On the other hand, God's an even lazier bum than Sora. If I were to jump off a bridge into a highway below, I would end up dead or crippled. God doesn't necessarily protect us from our own decisions. I just prayed for Anne Heche, but God may or may not help her recover. So you see, it's not really about whether you believe God exists. Do we trust in God, and that he will do the right thing? Or do we figure he's got better things to do than to help a poor sad woman find peace and happiness?
We can tell from the creation that God most definitely exists, but we have a pretty strong case for deism, that God checked out or became dspressed himself somewhere after creating everything, or maybe doesn't want to interfere with human free will.
We can't really command God to help this woman, she either lives or dies. But this is exactly the point.
Believing in God is fairly easy, but trust in God, especially if you pray and your prayers aren't answered, is extremely difficult. Sometimes God comes across as a giant dick.