Quote:I'm a not a theist, but if I were I'd have plenty of trepidation about saying something here (kudos to George). Even though I think msolga is completely sincere it reads as trappy -- c'mon little theists, post why you believe in God so all of us atheists here can rip your reasoning to shreds!!!
I don't think that's anyone's fault exactly, just kind of how it's evolved as a thread so far.
Soz, I disagree that most of the atheists who have shown interest in having this discussion would tear any theist who participated to shreds. I think most of us would have made a point
not to do that, actually.
And if any theists didn't feel comfortable about talking in great depth about their own, personal religious beliefs, I would certainly understand that, too.
However, some theists (a minority of theists on this site, I'm sure) have been
extremely disruptive, on a continuous basis, to threads about the teaching of evolution in US schools, or the thread intended for atheists to discuss atheism .... some of their contributions have been very offensive & the continuous disruptions have made it impossible for those threads to function as intended.
I guess, my motivation for starting this thread in the first place, was out of sheer frustration about the way that those threads have not been
allowed to function.:
"So, OK, so if you have something you want to say about your beliefs, well here's your opportunity to say those things & stop disrupting other threads with your own agenda . Here's your opportunity to say what you actually want to say."
But of course, the very theists who I would have liked to have participated here haven't done so. Maybe they are worried that their beliefs would be treated with similar disrespect to that they've subjected atheists to? As I said, I believe that wouldn't have occurred, but it looks like we are not about to find out ...
All we received was one response from George. A theist who would never treat
anyone's ideas about
anything disrespectfully. Hats off to you, George. That was brave & my respect for you has increased even more (something I did not think was possible!

But, I guess, if the conversation cannot be had, that poses the question, Why not? Is the only theist contribution to such discussions here to remain a largely negative anti-atheist one?