Viking and Pleasant Bay camps
I went to Viking from 1968 until 1977. It was a great experience. The camps on the bay were Namequoit, Viking, Pleasant Bay Day Camp, Quanset with an A not an O and Avalon. This year my son went for his first year at CCSC(Monomoy and Wono). He had a blast but it's such a shame that none of the other camps survived. While up there I did drive as far as I could down the Viking Road, It was rumored that after Ced Hagenbuckle died ( on Pleasant Bay in the Black Whistler?) that his will had some type of provisions to keep the land from being developed. Unfortuantey I dont think that happened.
For a while there was a website, but it now seems defunct. They even had a reunion.
Viking was a greast place and I remember so much from then:
The legend of Nahan Eldredge and Sampson and sipson islands.
The outer beach trips to the cabin including when you became an AC digging he new outhouse.
A trip tp monomoy where we were caught in a huricane and had to make it to Stage Harbor for refuge
Of course the intercamp regattas ( I wonder if anyone ever retired the cup)
SLS/JLS with Lincoln and Lewellyn
The amazing treasure hunts
small stores
Nav Cabin
Rifelry Range
4 square
evening Sail
The great assortment of boats from the mercs to the whale boats to the FD and Whistlers.
Counselors:Lincoln, Buckle, Grant Millard, of course Beanie, Leroyer, Iver, Todd Silberman, Tom Madden, Rankin, Dean Chamberlain, MAtt, MArvin,
The Babe: you dont eat your vegetables you dont get no ice cream.
Pleasant Bay Day Camp had the big "tin cup" regatta
I'd love to reconect with some of the folks and catch up and share stories.