rabel22 wrote:
Stupid voters works for me. Now how do we educate them with the supreme court claiming corporations are people?
The entire history of humanity is the story of changing forms... Clearly, those who wrote the declaration of independence had formal consciousness, and the word is used to describe what occurs when people change the social form of government...
Revolution does not have to be violent... They are made violent by those with power resisting change, but change is inevitable, and the advantage goes to those who attempt change knowing full well what they hope to accomplish... We only need to know what we can do, what is always done to achieve human progress, and learn the vocabulary, and the consciousness of forms..
Every form is a form of relationship... It is the terrible condition of our relationships with our fellow citizens which should be the first cue that the form is a failure.. Good forms feed the relationship, and bad forms bleed the relationship... Our forms of government, and economy are killing us, and laying bare our jugulars... If we do not change them, they will kill us...
The most simple advice is the one already being taken... Form new relationships... Talk about the problems and possible solution... When we quit looking to the government to solve our problems and quit feeding it with respect, it will die.. And yes; it may hurt us, but it will die if we withdraw our faith... What a marriage is without faith a government is: D E A D...