Mon 2 Dec, 2002 06:36 pm
A priest woke up one beautiful Sunday morning, and decided that he wanted to play golf, rather than say mass at church. He called his bishop, and told him that he was not feeling well, and wanted to be excused from his priestly duties that day.
Since he didn't want to be seen by people he knew, he went to a golf course 100 miles from his home. At the first tee, he takes a swing, and makes a hole in one.
St. Peter was looking down at this, turns to God, and says.
"Why did you let this priest make the hole in one? He did a bad thing by lying to his bishop, and missing mass. You should have punished him."
God turns to St. Peter and says,
"Why I AM punishing him. Whom is he going to tell about his hole in one?"