Ian:It doesn't look like they have chicken tenders here.
Bob: Wait inside. I have to make a call.
Firefly: This is Firefly.
Bob: This is Bob Ho. I need help.
Larry: Yeah, so I get pretty good grades at this university. I'm top of the class. I don't like to brag, but, you know.
Farren: Bob, this is Larry.
Larry: Pleased to meet you, sir.
Bob: Let's get some food.
Farren: He goes to the university.
Ian: He's a poet. Isn't it cool?
Bob: It's rad. It's awesome. It's jiggy for shizzy. It's the bomb. Let's go.
Farren: Hey! How embarrassing.
Ian: You know, most people don't like me when they first meet me. But Larry did.
Bob: I have two words for you, Larry. Thirteen.
The above is the lines.