squinney wrote:
Colbert used a montage of fear news last night to point out that sanity didn't win after all.
At least after tomorrow, when all the results are in, we can finally move on to the 2012 election. Is Sarah going to run? Will Obama be a one term president? Are Republicans going to impeach? Will we finally get birth certificate from Obama?
Will we even still be here for a 2012 election or is the world going to end?
Scary stuff.
What's even scarier is that, yes, people listen to that stuff Jon highlighted and they believe it. I know some of them. Some are actually relatives.
Mr. Obama does not need a birth certificate but an eviction notice... It says right in the Bible that a negro cannot be president of the United States of America... Or is that the phone book??? If he wants to be a leader he should be harnassed to a plow... I saw Rossa Parks when she was dead and couldn't say: Don't look at me, white man.... She did not realize the damage she did... Once they gave the buses to negroes there was no reason to white folks to support them, so now, black people can walk, or wait... Same with the cities... Black people can live anywhere they can afford to, but that just means white people will movc further away... And have less in common with than ever, and will never talk to ever, and will care less for than before than, if such a thought is possible...
The greatest failure of black people is success... If they would only aspire to less they could be welcomed into the success that is due them...They should not look at meanial jobs as a stepping stone, but as a destination... Even the presidency is supposed to serve the people... But it has become traditional for the people to serve their servants in government so that disallows a black man from holding office... It is logical; I think...