Setanta wrote:
When you make an idiotic statement such as this, Brandon: According to standardized testing, my visual and comprehension skills are better than virtually anybody's.--you can expected to get lambasted for your puerile conceit. Stop whining.
I was once on an eleven story near Detroit where the connectors put a moment beam in an elevator shaft wrong end to, and then when they figured it out they tried to scrape off the piece number, (by which the correct direction is shown) and then when called on their Joe trick because the brace angles would not fit, they told the owner how many years of experience they had... Isn't the game all over when you have to rely upon some statistic having absolutely nothing to do with the situation at hand???
It is a whole lot like Brandon's standardized testing because if you get it wrong you get it wrong, and you may as well get on with your life... I have driven in fogs so thick I had to listen for cars before pulling out of my drive way... It did not stop some one with no better vision than myself from passing me on the highway into an even deeper blindness... What the Greeks said, that we got the power of foresight from Promethieus is true; but we lose it when we hope against hope...
There are a lot of people in this country living on hope against hope.... They trust the likes of Glenn Beck, and Bilorielly because they do not have the time to research everything or anything; because their lives are harried and harrassed; and the right offers them a culpret, a scapegoat... Everything in America would be fine if:... Just get rid of the Mexicans, the Jews, the Blacks, The Asians, etc and ... People come to this land alread corrupted by our wealth thinking that wealth is the solution to their problems... It is not... One man's gain is another's loss..
There were a lot of times when Adoph Hitler could have been stopped, but the best time would have been before he was ever born, when the invasions and injustices by Napoleon turned people to the whoreship of the Volk, and spread the German Myth far and wide.... The crap people believe, and the cynics who spread their gospel of hate are not really the problem, though it may well support the problem...
If people had better lives, and were not so robbed and exploited, and because of that fact did not live lives denied education and relevant facts- they would not have to rely upon others to do their thinking for them who would spin their facts to fit views already held...
The American people are all corrupt... There is not one of us free of corruption... We can be taken left and right, but never straight to our goals, the goal we should have and accept because they are the good goals of all government and all humanity -because we are corrupt... You cannot take an honest man, and an honest man will not bear being taken... It is because almost all American feel the malignancy in their souls, and know they are hateful and corrupt that they bear such corruption from church, media, and government...