You are missing the point... Carl Rove certainly got it... What gives the repubicans their base and their power is what gave Prussia's Bismark his power: Attack, attack, attack...
What they stand for is offensive, and the American people are, for the most part offensive, and the fact that we are uneducated gives us no respect for the pacific qualities of education... They don't look for their heads for reason, but for battering rams... Where the democrats lose is in playing defense... The second liar never has a chance... Any one can say: I didn't do it... The skill that makes a person worthy of government in this land is the skill to make an accusation with enough truth in it so that it cannot be denied, and if denied, needs explanation, and if it needs explaning has already lost the battle which has moved on to a new accusation... If you want to succeed in government, never do anything that needs explanation, and go through every day casting every statagy in terms of attack... Never ever defend... Always attack... It is what this people expect... Reason gives them a headache, and it never changes a single mind... Save reason for reasonable people...The South has become this people... Government is not a means of achieving a good, but is a tool to destroy ones enemies... It is not an object of love, but is an expression of hate...
Saying nothing of the carreer politicians of the democratic party who are all whores, the people who vote for themselves are decent people of good heart... They should do, and demand what the republican do when out of power, and that is non cooperation... These people hate us, attack us, attack reason and attack the good for which the government was formed, and attack the government and denude it... They are no our friends nad they could not injure us without our cooperation, and they will not respect us so long as we go along, or ever listen to our side of the story... The only way we will ever have their respect is to turn the tables on them and become more republican in tactics than the republicans...The truth about republicans is as bad as the worst lie told about democrats... The problem is, that once your have pulled the shroud from their dead faces and dead ideas, how do we all get back to being friends??? What does it matter since we are anything but friends now???