i was considering your thoughts on the drive back from a quick portland get-away:
A2K right now accurately represents where America is right now, our consumption with the red/blue divide so much so that we are willing to forgo intellect and civility and get down into the **** filled gutters to fight it out. I have no idea why Robert would object, running a meeting place he should want the crowd here to represent what is going on outside of these virtual walls. I get that a fair number of people have turned up their noses and departed but think that a lot of them are elites who cant stomach reality and really, why should we give a ****??....the elite of this nation have been wrong about so much for so long and presided over the massive decline of this nation of the last decades both morally and substantially, there is no reason to have ANY faith in their judgement, that is to care about what they think and say. the elite have totally squandered their credibility.
lets remember that one of the main reasons that america is in so much trouble is that far far too many of the elites refused over a long period of time to care about truth, refused to speak truth, and refused to make a stand for what is right. so now they snivel as they take their bat and ball and leave...how typical of them! always looking for the short cuts to utopia and refusing to do the hard long work of building something that is good, that is what we have seen from the elites generally, to include the nasty habit of telling lies, and that is what we have been seen from Robert as he has attempted time and time again to make A2K into a vision that he has in his head, meeting with nearly constant failure. now dont get me wrong, Robert has some very good saving graces, for instance caring about truth and free speech, but listening to only those whom he considers to be the experts, the elite, is not one of them.