msolga wrote:
No, I don't think you do understand, Robert.
It is how you have treated me online, sometimes completely misinterpreting what I've been trying to say.
I think I do really (but also may not, who knows?), but just think I'd rather be sure I won't be rude to you than keep bungling it. I really don't meant to offend (at least in your case), but it is my nature to be curt, and blunt, arrogant and hasty and if I'm just not at all confident in my ability to avoid offense any other way.
Quote:Sometimes you've gotten it quite wrong. (eg I am not "high maintenance" for you. I was not attempting to undermine your position with the Philosophy Forum folk.)
I guess there is high maintenance in intent and high maintenance in effect, I certainly don't think you'd ever intend to be anything of the sort and it's entirely possible that the referenced encounters happened when I was simply in over my head and lashing out and being unreasonable, but no matter what the case I think I now know the only solution because it is high maintenance in effect to me (whether this is my problem or not).
Quote:Sometimes you've kinda acknowledged it after a horrible encounter (for me, anyway).
I'm sincerely sorry about that, sometimes it takes more than it should for me to realize when I've taken argument and pedantry too far.
Quote:What am I to make of posts with a record numbers of fucks included, because you don't like my concerns about the lowest paid Australian workers losing their jobs forever?
If I had my druthers it would be that I am a person particularly given to inclusion of the word "****" in a sentence these days and that I don't mean it as aggressively as it must come off, but at the same time I often vote down the use of such foul language myself, interpreting it as inordinately aggressive, and don't really like it even as it rolls off my tongue so I can appreciate the vast difference in intent and effect that it may have, but I really do think it's a lot easier for me to avoid offending you other ways than to stop using the language I would like to so I will seek to accomodate you in other ways.
I really do feel bad about upsetting you a lot of times, you are a very nice and polite person and I wish I had your emotional IQ but am afraid that despite my best efforts I won't.
Quote:And that you're really happy that they're in that situation. Is there no better, less aggressive, way to respond if you disagree?
I am not happy that anyone is in a bad situation at all. I really don't think I said anything at all reasonably interpretable to that effect but if I did it was probably the hasty and inarticulate retard in me. I
am happy if poorer 3rd world folks improve their lot in life even if it is at the expense of much,
much richer, if still unfortunate, Australian first world folk and I am completely unwilling to apologize for my lacking nationalistic tribalism in this matter and really do think that the first-world protectionism against the third world is self-indulgent selfishness that disregards much greater need for tribal proximity. This is my opinion and I have seen no reasonable argument from you to change it but it is just not worth continuing to express it to you if it causes offense to you. At the same time mere offense isn't going to change my opinion, just my willingness to express it and cause said offense. I seem to have a piss-poor record at not offending you so I'll just do the best I can do in that regard and avoid arguing with you.
Quote:The way to do that is really easy.
Just respond to my arguments with counter-arguments, nothing more.
We'll have to agree to disagree (in my case
vehemently so) about whether doing so would not cause you offense and I'll leave that as the final word, on my part, on this matter, I've got your point loud and clear now even if I draw very different conclusions on the matter. I'm sorry if I have offended you and am myself uncomfortable enough in these exchanges that I will not address you again and thereby guarantee no further offense than extracting me from discussions with you as politely as I am now able to.