Setanta wrote:It's a difficult call, and that i don't have all the answers shouldn't disqualify me for calling for one to be found.
I agree with this, unless of course it can't be and I do think certain problems, by the very nature of them, do not have solutions.
For example, there is a concept in engineering called the
project triangle. It aims to easily illustrate more complex incompatibility than mere mutual incompatibility because it's often not clear that certain criteria is diametrically opposed to each other. So the classic example of "Good, fast, cheap. Pick two." aims to illustrate that you can't have it all.
Likewise I don't think we can have it all and some of the problems you have may just not have a solution that doesn't cause its own problems that are themselves inacceptable to you. And if you can't think of a solution it may be due to a fundamental conflict of interest that no other mind is going to be able to resolve.
As a topical example (not one that you called for), we can't have both a free marketplace of ideas and no idiots. And another of our triangles is something like "consistency", "capacity for common sense" and "scale". That is, one person can easily moderate a small forum without very well codified rules and with an emphasis on personal judgement. But this won't scale, and relying on heavy use of personal judgment and interpretation with multiple moderators will increase the inconsistency (i.e. unfairness) of their moderation.
So as an example, OB has mentioned that we should differentiate between insults to "****" and insults to "innocents" and while he keeps telling me how obvious it is I think he is trying to appeal to my personal judgement, which is not how the site runs (I do not do the majority of the moderation, and am merely one of the public faces to moderation). So we need rules, and the more specific a rule is the easier it is to apply consistently, while rules open to wide interpretation (like OB's suggestions) are much more difficult to do so.
Other conflicts are the desire to have a free marketplace of ideas, and the desire for the product within this marketplace to be of higher quality. There is a fundamental conflict between the freedom of the marketplace and the regulation necessary to curate its wares. Open is diametrically opposed to curation.
So depending on just what the perceived problem may be, there may be no solution that does not inexorably compromise other ideals to an unacceptable degree.
I do know at least this: it is impossible to please everyone, and even quite difficult to completely please just one person on a forum. On some level I think a degree of perceived problems is inevitable (i.e. no solution to all problems) so we'll always have problems of some sort, and it's just a matter of balancing the different problems and how acutely they affect the forum because solving a problem for one person will almost always create a problem for someone else at this size.