Sat 16 Oct, 2010 12:19 am
Can you translate, "I dare do all that may become a man. He who dares more is none." So far, I have come up with Ego Praesumo Quicumque fio vir. Quisnom Praesumo Operor Magis Est Nullus.
You'd better post this again, and put "Latin translation" in the title, because as it stands right now, there's nothing to attract the attention of any Latin scholars to this thread. There are thousands of members here, and thousands of threads, so they won't be avidly hunting down each new thread to see if it has anything to do with Latin.
I tagged this Latin translation--maybe someone will notice.
"I dare do all that may become a man. He who dares more is none."
Omnia ad virem idonea agere audeo. Qui magis audet nemo est.
Omnia --> all
ad --> to
virem --> man
idonea --> becoming, fit, proper
agere --> to do
audeo --> I dare
Qui --> [he] who
magis --> more
audet --> dares
nemo --> no one
est --> is
Please read this.