That someone would, generally, be me.
Viral marketing on A2K often takes the form of so-called amazing discoveries by people who only joined on the same day they reported said amazing discoveries. Or one person says "I need xyz" and then miraculously someone else joins on the same day with a magical reponse (and website) where they have found xyz.
It's a form of spam.
We don't pull it immediately because the loop isn't yet closed, e. g. we aren't 100% sure because the second post has not come in yet. After all, there is the possibility (albeit it may be a slender one) that the initial request is a legitimate one.
Hence I tag these items as viral marketing and then go back to them later. If the loop is closed, the entire topic is pulled. If not, I continue to wait. I have also changed my mind on occasion and deleted the tag in favor of something else, when it turns out not to be a setup for spam. But it generally is (I have been doing this for 8 years and can spot it but of course I make errors like everyone else can).
This does not mean people should not report spam. I do, after all, not see every single thing out there because I actually have a life outside of A2K.
But if you see what might be a spam setup, and you tag it as viral marketing, that's fine. You may be right, you may not, but I will take a look, of course.
Hope this helps.