Quote:NBA referees will have more reasons to issue technical fouls next season.
At the referees' annual meeting in Jersey City, N.J., on Thursday, the league announced the guidelines
for technical fouls will expand to include "overt" player reactions to referee calls.
Referees have been instructed to call a technical for:
• Players making aggressive gestures, such as air punches, anywhere on the court.
• Demonstrative disagreement, such as when a player incredulously raises his hands,
or smacks his own arm to demonstrate how he was fouled.
• Running directly at an official to complain about a call.
• Excessive inquiries about a call, even in a civilized tone.
In addition, referees have been instructed to consider calling technicals on players who use body language to question or demonstrate displeasure. They can also consider technicals for players who "take the long path to the official", walking across the court to make their case.
whaddaya think?
i've watched a few exhibition games, and the players and coaches seem perplexed.
they're not sure what they can and cannot do.
the ref's are handing out technicals like there's no tomorrow.
why is the NBA trying to change the basic behavior of it's players?
it's an emotional sport, played at a fast pace.
when a call goes against you in the heat of battle,
of course you're going to react strongly to it.
dunno what commish stern at al are thinking on this...