Ya...the moments to
We've been caught a few times also, so embarrassing! We were minding our own business, off on a dead end road in the middle of the night...dead quite, not a leaf stirring.
All of a sudden, this small car comes barrelling down the road towards us, apparently we had taken their parking They got close enough to us that we seen who it was...of course, it was someone we knew...I'm sure we all looked like the pitiful "deer in the headlights"....
What does boyfriend do? But sits up, and drives off. Nothing but his socks on....
What do I do? Started sucking for air...I was laughing so hard at him and his...attire, that it ruint the mood. I had tears in my eyes...when I got home, my mother wanted to know what was wrong with me?
Another time, we hadn't been married long...just bought us a new home, which was planted in the middle of about 8 acres. Long always heard any vehicles if they drove up. Or so we thought!
I had this big ole picture window in the living room, with no curtains on it....just open. (had a beautiful view) Were in the middle of our business, when I looked up and saw an older friend staring through the window at us.

Talk about wanting to die!!!
He jerked his head back around to the front door, and knocked anyways!!!! I just slinked off to the bedroom. The husband opened the door...LOL He knew we were home, we knew he was there...why deny it?
And the oldest child caught us one time when he was about 6......
"What cha'll dooo in?"
"Wrestling, I was just about to give daddy a big ole go to the living room, I'll be there in a sec..." (said as fast as possible, while covering yourself up, red faced, embarrassed..and hoping that answer substains him for the meantime.) That what you get when you think that your children are asleep!