Sun 10 Oct, 2010 06:24 am
My wife and I use to have sex 3-4 times a week after my daughter was born sex has changed dramatically i'm luck if I have sex twice a month
I imagine your wife's a bit tired. How about getting a babysitter and going out some night?
One word for you: vacation
Take your wife away (without baby) for a weekend and see if she can relax.
PS New baby? Are YOU helping out at home? How old is the baby.
Is your wife depressed?
WHAT is going on in the home besides YOU not getting sex ????
Joe - please don't diss this poster's concerns.
This is a real issue with new fathers.
It could be that the OP's wife, having experienced some months (with a possibly painful conclusion) of bodily alteration and hormone weirdness followed by the arrival of a life changing bossy little stranger with an deafeningly loud voice, now knows exactly what sex can lead to. Plus she has a hubby who wants to get his ashes hauled like before. Like Punkey says, this is a real issue with new fathers. Sex + wife => baby + mother.
Most men in this situation just get a mistress.
maxdancona wrote:
Most men in this situation just get a mistress.
Or make a date with Mary Fist, or Mrs Hand and her five daughters.
contrex wrote:
maxdancona wrote:
Most men in this situation just get a mistress.
Or make a date with Mary Fist, or Mrs Hand and her five daughters.
Tee hee. Mary Palmer and Jane Handsen.
Don't worry this is normal behaviour. Don't think you are alone on this. Looking back after I had my 2 daughters for a time there I thought I would never be the same. I know it may be hard for you to deal with now, but in time things will improve, patience is truely the key.