Oh boy, hope he comes with that cute Santa outfit!
I have scads of photos but am in scanner tharn. First my mac got all upset for year by the HP HP interface in some way, multiply tested over time, yes, it was, so I took that scanner to work, where it is now... working, with the pc there, vs the mac here.
Now I have a new Canon, worked like charm a weekend or so ago, and then it is dead, dead, as a doornail. So I checked the book and it said in this situation connect directly to computer. But I have other necessary things connecting to my ucb ports on the computer, and have scanner relegated to hub. So it is sitting there dead looking at me. I will attend to it soon. Maybe this next weekend. Anyway, once I get going, you'll all be sorry re photos, you'll be cat and dog swamped.... heh heh, threats, ugly threats.....
The photos at the work computer are oddly dull, ahem, and the few from this new scanner... for the time it worked, were wonderful. sigh.
Dixie is a black, 2 yo lab/chow. Dixie is addicted to his tennis ball and loves to swim circles around us.
He is pure pleasure and sweet. Everyone who sees him loves him and wants him. He lives with 2 cats and 2 people.[/size]
The brown dog is Roman. He is boxer/? Loves to roam and has a baby face with a baby personality.
ps. don't look at the messy papers.
I've just come home from Ireland where my mother assured me - only a couple of months ago - that she was definitely NOT getting any more animals to add to the goats, hens, dogs & cats collection. So when I arrive, what new arrivals do I find?
No. 1 - Spencer Becks

No. 2 - Victoria
And a real pair of posers they turned out to be when I turned the camera lens on 'em!
vivien, thankx for the information about chocolate and dogs. I could not get my cat to eat chocolate if I tried.
Ruach, piffka has chows... we've all raised them from puppies, via internet.
OH!!!!!! Bunny friend!! What sweetness!! Let me hug her right now!! (sneeze...)
She is as soft as powder eeewwwww
goodnight.................hurrrrg hurrrrrg hurrrrrrrg
sssssh, I am sleeping and snoring
Setanta wrote
Quote:I've greatly enjoyed everyone's photos. Truly our best friends--they require so little of us, and are so grateful for the kindness we show them.
You're just a big old softy really aren't you?
Oh yeah, Boss, and love to lie about in the warm sunshine with diminutive, hairy friends . . .
Quote:Oh yeah, Boss, and love to lie about in the warm sunshine with diminutive, hairy friends . . .
Mmmm! Don't we all! Have a human one oiled and sent to my tent for Christmas.
She Who Must Be Obeyed . . .
I hope this works....
This is Jack, my Border Collie.....
Jack is 4 years old, and the love of my life!!.... we play at Agility, which is great fun.... Jack is very very fast.... too fast for me!!.... Last summer we entered some DiscDog events.... we tried the distance/accuracy.... I need to learn how to throw the Frisbee further out.... Jack has had the opportunity to herd sheep, too.... he loves it!!... but, most of all, he's just my very best friend!!
Jack looks so serious, so concerned . . . what had you done to make him so pensive in that photo, Boss?
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, Jack is beautiful! I LOVE border collies, and I want one now!!!
margo, I am sorry you can't see the photos. As far as I know they are still there.
I love Jack. I had a border collie, she died this past year. She was a sweet girl. She lived until 12 years old and I rescued her from the pound.