Been well, just working too darn hard - obviously not tonight though heh heh. Pity about Pigsy - maybe this time though. Would love to see the pregnancy documented in this forum. Damn! Now I'm going to worry till you tell me she's back

You know, sometimes they're so clever and other times they're just dumb-asses! Kita got lost for 5 days - I was distraught! Finally found her in a neighbours garage! Shekura's been lost twice but for a couple of hours both times. Into another neighbours yard and couldn't get back (!?) I had to wake them up at midnight to ask them to let me in to get her. Thank heavens they're sympathisers.
Not sure which one you mean - the brown Burmese is Kita, the black half-oriental is Shekura and the tabby is Anakin.
Definately different characters. Kita's "Miss Madam" aka "You Can Only Touch My Fabulousness When I Want you To". Shekura is a complete soppy cake - Theme Song: "Love me, Love me, Saaaaay that you love me". And Anakins a real BOY. Sweet when he wants something and a complete BRAT if he doesn't get it.
ehBeth - now you've started something with that great photo - who is it?
Had to dig these up:
No Ma! I swear I wasn't disturbing them!

But Look. See! It's not my fault I was indoctrinated at a very young age! I blame my parents!!!!!: