Sun 3 Oct, 2010 12:33 pm
on promiscuity
We are promiscuous for what reason? Need for 'love"? Excitement, sense of belonging, to do what we can while we can? The fear of aging and death? The feeling that you are needed? All these arise from fear, lack of confidence, insecurity, desire to control what one cannot control (time, age, and oportunities) is this healthy? Should one committ adultry to gain experience? Is there more lost/ gained from never being promiscuous. What is promiscuous? (that is a topic for another time). Perhaps is it ok to do it once, for without it, one would be in the extreme of being too goody-two-shoes, and too much would indicate one's immaturity. Can one do this in a controlled mannar, or is any level of this practice prohibited? Well what is promiscuity? (yes, we will explore this now...) the actual act? Can one be truly true if they think about it all the time? I suppose not, for the nature of promiscuity is the divided dedication and attention other than ur true love, thinking it, and actually acting on it would be just as bad. What healthy relationship would arise from someone constantly destracted with all of the lechery of the mind. In as so far then? It would seem that one would, man and woman, be intregued by the opposite sex, is it bad to call them out on even detecting another opposite gender being? To make the definition of "promiscuous" objective as possible, we will say it is, for if we didn't, there would be a full spectrum on what degree and thought constitutes "promiscuity",as just "looking at an opposite gender". But that is impossible, can we truly be impartial to all beings and see them for theie soul and not their genetic makeup? The definition of promiscuity is to have sexual intercourse with an opposite sex in a polygamous state. but we have made it clear that because all acts are a result of rationalization of the mind, we have to look at the act of the mind to fully understand the extent of the act of the promiscuous mind. so it seems that the deep root of promiscuity is an extension of being prejudice to human beings. By being impartial to all man kind, we are then incapable of distinguishing man from woman on a basis of sexual nature, and therefore would not have the desire to seek sexual activities and hence promiscuity would be resolved.
I am not sure if this was the purpose of this post, to find the root of promiscuity, but I have seem to found a rational (to my taste) argument of what promiscuity truly is; is the shortcoming of the personal self to see people as people and as objects. To abolish promiscuity is one of the most difficult trait to overcome for it deals with one of our most primitive primal instincts to procreate. How did i end up with fighting against such a huge monster... Everytime I glance at a woman, or even evaluate a man, it is a reminder to the self that I am incomplete, incompetent, and have just practiced prejudice and injustice to myself.
well if this was the case, lets step back from the topic of promiscuity and expand on the topic that has come about the exploration of promiscuity; prejudice. Prejudice comes in myriad of forms some bad, and some good. The innate form of prejudice seen earlier when talking about promiscuity was "X is Y" i.e. she is cute, he is hot, he is a man, and the extension of this is what ultimately manifests itself as "prejudice". but this is also the basis of the "love at first sight," this then is a sin, a insult to the person for they were the target of prejudice. This would also be true for adoration and admiration; "that is a dog," "he is Schwarzenegger". When we come up to a dog and entertain it as to how cute it is, or see how accomplished Al Gore is, aren't we saying "X is Y". this is also very reminiscent of "X is worth Y" which mankind have done for thousands of years; the act of putting a price on other men; White stating the value of black men, Hitler's value on Jews, men stating the value of women, Stem cells and their worth as a "human", Health Care and their unjust distribution of money to elders over young people. ALL of which have come to be seen by future generation as unjust, corrupt, unethical, immoral, juvenile, cruel is manifested within the quote, "she's hot" or "omg your dog is so cute". How ignorant we were of committing this crime... every time we see a sexy girl, or a cute dog, we are essentially committing the same evil Hitler did, but in a smaller magnitude under the name of judging. But is this acceptable if this was told to people? that admiring your own daughter is the same act as Hitler seeing a Jew? it is. It is at least, important to know this act, for if it goes unchecked it can erupt uncontrollably like the population of humans in this world and the level of consumption, production of waste and carbon dioxide; all of which were merely a means of surviving, having fun, and merely living is now seen as the most dire thing we can do. This results from doing something without actually paying attention as to what it is that you are really practicing, the true nature of one's acts, and consequences are not cheap and sweet. These acts of Hitler found in having dogs was a small example of how we, in our everyday life commit unthinkable evils and sins, to a small degree, without knowing it. it is the result of being ignorant of the self, the soul, the world, the facts, and the reality. naivety, ignorance, arrogance, self-indulgence. All of these words that we are so familiar with lurk within every action in the western society where empiricism, pragmatical, and utilitarian views are praised. All of which that are emphasized in the typical Education system of America and almost every first world country. and perhaps third world countries. We are being taught to be sinners in the name of virtue. God save us all.
I am currently at corner bakery typing this on a sunday morning, it is under saturday since the thought started then and leaked into today so this is where the Sunday log will start.
I am plagued. Every time I see a person, I say in my mind, subconsciously, "Oh, he's a man," "She has a nice butt," "that's a nice shirt he has on there"... all of these judgments that are subconsciously made within my head is so hard to bear. Information comes in from the outside and is automatically manifested into the form of a sentence with words to describe what it is that i'm seeing and sometimes it is added a commentary, "That is a man, he looks buff, he's also persian, i don't like persians, etc..." and with one glance my brain floods with information. Which i just now realize the full ability and capacity of my brain now that i actually listed all the things that happens in a micro-second. I just tried to walk outside and now it's a completely different world. There are about 20 people sitting outside on 8-10 different tables all enjoying their food, talking, and i am not only able to assess how many people there are, but what type of people they are, what they are wearing, that type of human beings they are based on their ethnicity, fashion, age, food, who they're talking to, what phone they have, etc... and all of this used to be passive and it did not bother me; this was what it meant to look at people; to see and judge, it was natural and automatic. now that i see that i am doing all of this it is noisy. I feel like i am starting to get a psychological disorder; i am typing away at this computer for an full hour now and i'm not stopping. I hate to look at other people because i can hear myself judge and categorize and materialize the visual information into empirical word-molds... I walked with my eyes closed and my ears flooded with sounds; "fork clanking, water flowing, talking about real estate, door closing..." and on and on... words after words after words materializing in my head uncontrollably. I am starting to think that the brain deadness of America is actually, perhaps, a automatic self defense mechanism for human beings... I used to scold, as seen in earlier paragraphs, at Americans for being so ignorant and oblivious of everything else that is not related to recreation, entertainment and money, but perhaps it is not their fault, but the society that is built in this form where there is constant information everywhere. Well this form of information comes as a result of people being incapable of shut out all sensory senses and be in a trans state... but so then, it is our duty, to prevent this to be quiet as possible, to be uniform for the sake of all of us? I am now starting to see what the beauty of perhaps school uniforms are, the beauty of communism, where the virtue lies. and i now feel as if i see a small perspective of why the westerners believe communism is bad, and why communist countries feel democracy is detrimental. They seem to be extremes emphasizing one point; freedom vs unity, both of which are noble and excellent topic to build a society about, but both perverted and manifested into a monster that is incapable of serving either due to the complexity of human kind. It seems that just as humans are incapable of completely understanding the brain, it should be just as impossible to completely understand the perfect government and must be abbreviated and any and every form of materialized government is the abridged form of the REAL form of government (plato ftw lol). (so through this post i now, fully, understand the value of Plato, rather than just reading it. ) So then as the story of the form goes, is it impossible to be a complete human? to have a complete government? are we demised to be in this status? to be Delta minus morons??? I do not know, my brain just discovered too many new things and topics that it is confused; love, lust, Hitler, enlightenment, Plato, Brave New World, wtf is going on right now. I have too many unexplored views from books incorporated into my argument that I am now confused myself. I have to do homework now, time for suma.
If I had to do it all over again, I would have had sex with a lot more people, and enjoyed it more.
I sure tried, but damn . . . those women can run fast ! ! !
I wasted a lot of damn good years worrying about what other people would think.
Like as if they would have known.
By the time I was 20 I'd moved from home, and was more than 1000 miles away.
Like as if today I would have cared what a bunch of people in college would have thought. I don't keep in touch with one of them, and haven't for decades.
Like the people I worked with would have known what I did in my private time.
Once I got married I was faithful.
Well, except for the fact I ran off with my 2nd husband when I was still married to my first....but besides that...
No one ever lost respect for me once I had sex with them. I had their admiration.
I'm bitter I tell ya.
Bitter and dried up.
the good lie not in what reside within others but harbors within oneself.
I was going to read and answer this but then I remembered all the war and hunger in this world and well, I couldn't muster up the strength.
55hikky wrote:
the good lie not in what reside within others but harbors within oneself.
Well, that's a good thing, because I harbor great goodness!
No, that was 55hikky who registered new to tell Ceili off, since he didn't have
the guts with his regular moniker - being a philosopher and all, ya' know, just
doesn't fit his polished image.
Actually, it was jerk who joined and spammed the site with a video he had made. In 10 minutes, he managed to add it to every thread in sight. I called him on it and he became pissy. Such is life.
I'm on day 5 of quitting smoking. I may have been a touch bitchy in the last few days.
chai2 wrote:
I wasted a lot of damn good years worrying about what other people would think.
Like as if they would have known.
By the time I was 20 I'd moved from home, and was more than 1000 miles away.
Like as if today I would have cared what a bunch of people in college would have thought. I don't keep in touch with one of them, and haven't for decades.
Like the people I worked with would have known what I did in my private time.
Once I got married I was faithful.
Well, except for the fact I ran off with my 2nd husband when I was still married to my first....but besides that...
No one ever lost respect for me once I had sex with them. I had their admiration.
I'm bitter I tell ya.
Bitter and dried up.
they make some great lubricants ya know. Available at all the finer drugstores and dirty book shops.
MrDirectorsChair wrote:
You're a wannabe artist who takes less than artistic photographs and your "poetic" about you portion is anything but deep. You lack depth and imagery. Call yourself what you want. But you ******* suck.
I love ya Ceili. Mr. director **** yourself.
Do you remember the suggestion to post something, I believe it was the discussion concerning a person debating on exercising or sleeping? This is precisely why I never intentionally start a discussion since the nature of the discussions are perverted by unsound rhetoric argument with inconclusive conclusions that do not follow at best, or it becomes a chatroom. You were the ONLY one out of all the replies that REMOTELY had anything in common with the thread (though at first i was facepalming myself for you giving us your life story and nothing to do with the nature of the discussion. Little did I know that I was too quick to judge). I think the rest of the "replies" are; joke, insult, ad hominem, being insecure, insult again, current event update, retarded comment, personal opinion on user.... ...yes chai2, very pragmatic.
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
they make some great lubricants ya know. Available at all the finer drugstores and dirty book shops.
You know what works better than any over the counter lubes? Evening primrose oil. A capsule shoved up the ol' wazoo not only greases the skids, but provides a healthy moisturizing to ones lady parts (especially for us post menapausal gals).
I swear to God, almost every time I go to the Central Market to get a bottle of EP Oil (I also take some orally) I see a woman, my age or older, gazing at all the various bottles in the Womens Health section.
I'll pick up the bottle, and by way of making conversation say "This stuff is really great for women, surprisingly, it's good for vaginal dryness"
EVERY single time I've said the, the other woman will turn to me and say "Really!!??"
Then we'll start talking, they'll be all like "I'm getting this. I really want to have sex, but, well you know, it...hurts" This one woman said "I can't WAIT to get home. How long did you say until I notice a difference?"
Even if you're not having sex, it's good to use it a few times a week. The tissue up there becomes thinner as well, and it's good to take care of yourself.
If I apply it topically will it keep my unit smooth and wrinkle free? Of course anything applied with sufficient vigor should keep it wrinkle free ....
It will give it a delicious primrosey flavor as well!
(actually the taste is kinda "ack", but we all must soldier on)