
......I think all relationships can feel hopeless and overwelming at times. You say you get upset because she won't say "I love you" in front of her friends because it embarrasses her. Some people don't show emotions well in public. It sounds like this might be the case with her? If it is then you shouldn't take it so personally. It doesn't mean she doesn't love you. Nor does it mean that she is ashamed of the love you have for each other.
Just keep your relationship open and honest. Never do anything to break her trust in you. Give her love....but also allow her to be who she is. Believe in her....and believe in her love. Accept that there will be differences in your relationship and that it's ok. You are two different people that won't always do things in the same way.
My last boyfriend was the jealous type. I won't go into detail but it destroyed us. Now I am with someone that trusts my heart and is secure in the love I show him. He never holds on so tight that I can't move. He also knows how sensitive I am about extreme jealousy. He wrote this for me a few months back...to show me that his love for me is not demanding...but is instead "soft" and "gentle".
He takes her into his gentle hands
and cradles her as he would a newborn child.
He holds her high to where the breezes flow
She feels the wind calling to her soul
He slowly unfolds his fingers from around her
The air brushes across her wings
Her eyes to his and a single shared tear
He lifts her aloft into the wind
Her wings flutter as she ascends
He watches her fly upward and away...
He smiles....
With a loving pride, he watches her flight
This angel with newfound wings of love
He waits patiently for her height to be reached
Knowing all the while she is returning soon
To rest in his loving embrace once more
Hang in there Justin! Differences are normal in any relationship. Accept that and it will help you to not worry so much about losing her when you are in the middle of a disagreement.
And from one newbie to the next.....welcome to the forum, Justin!