Thu 23 Sep, 2010 03:06 pm
Is it a software glitch?
Is it some idiot disagreed with my politics?
Nobody sent me an explanation why my login info was suspended!
I'm polite and comply with all terms here!
So, what gives?
Yep I'm here, the notice said the suspension was temporary but stated no reason for it. How can I find out if someone complained and what about?
It's because of the evil, invisible gremlin that follows you everywhere on the WWW . . .
What I'm asking is which gremlin? Lots of them on the
www. What do you know?
I suggest you try the "contact us" link at the bottom of every page.
I'm beginning to understand why your login was blocked...
Look, EM, do you really need it spelled out for you? WE DON'T KNOW!!! CONTACT THE SITE PERSONNEL.
Hope you got that.
No, not unless you know the double-secret handshake.
Thanks, I just kinda hope they'll answer on the thread.
why? Site moderation is only rarely discussed on the forums, such as times when there's a situation the applies to the membership at large. I doubt your login status would qualify as something that affects us all.
I'm bettin' it's 'cause he's one evil sumbitch . . .
How long ago did this happen, EM? When the philosophy group was integrated with A2K a lot of people had their membership "terminated", ie. their password was no longer valid. All they had to do was reset their password. I reset mine three or four times during the adjustment period before it stuck for good.
Looks like he last posted on 7/2/10, JTT.
Was that about the time of the integration, JPB?
You know, I'm just now getting used to those philosophy people using the same water fountains and swimming pools.
No, that was in June. It may have been around the time that a bunch of them got booted though. Maybe em got caught up in that sweep.
All they ever do is tell you to contact us, if and when they see it, so why not save yourself some time and just click the damn Contact Us thing?