Yes you do, your cash belongs to britain. You are not allowed to make your own, you purchase it from the UK. And as the queen is the presiding monarch, you do so with her consent, and her consent alone.
On your bills is written 'In God We Trust', which would be another contravention of your doctrinal constitution if you were to be the provider of your own dosh.
Don't blame the queen for draining the taxpayer - The govt and the lazy take most of it - Single-young-hyperbreeding mothers too.
Anyway, another 3,000 years and she should be dead.
Queens and kings should have been phased out at the time of the pilgrim fathers anyhow - Sent with them would have been good.
But every empire needs its proverbial pyramids to prove its might and arrogance to a vain and blingful (I like this word, does it exist?) global herd.