ossobuco wrote:
Wm, part of the draw of a2k is that we can learn to express our grievances sanely, sometimes under a kind of fire, or what we take as fire. Some arguers here have become real life friends - I know that is hard to fathom.
I'm an only child who wasn't allowed to sass. I'm now much older, seems like a century, learning how to talk straight with calm even now. I'm not alone in this.
It's interesting that the experience we need eventually comes our way, with perfect timing.
When I was waaay younger people would say rude or hurtful things to me, and I would say nothing because of
why I didn't know. Most thought of me as being rather calm and cool. God, is anybody? Then I went through a stage of telling people who irked me in no uncertain terms what I thought of them, mostly very loudly. Probably that was about the time I began riding and owning horses. What a way to wake up strong emotions held back. Guess I did some screaming.
I once read somewhere that if a part of you (or your body) is weak, then it's a good idea to use that part, exercise it, to bring about a balance in both body and mind.