Quote:What do people do in real life when someone in a discussion meanders off on a digression? do you shout out "oy! stick to the topic, it interested me"?
I don't think discussions people have in real life are the same thing as online discussions, Beth. Again, I'm referring to the "meatier", specific topic-based discussions, not informal communal chatting, which more closely resembles real life. They are two different things, in my opinion. Real life talk is full of meanderings, online discussions are an attempt at a discussion of a particular topic. It would be very unusual & not exactly welcomed, I'd imagine, for anyone visiting your house to announce that
this is the particular topic they wish to discuss in detail today. (You can't put them on "ignore", or scroll over any of their comments, either.
) The intention of an online discussion (of the more focused variety, anyway) is quite a different thing, I'd say. Otherwise, why do we bother to have subject topics at all? We could all just talk away about anything that comes into our heads, like in real life. Wall to wall chat room.
I also think a
digression is quite a different thing to what I call a "derailment" of a thread topic. A derailment destroys
the intention of the topic discussion. Too bad if the participants actually want to discuss it.
That's my main concern here. I really miss the more focused, in-depth discussions. Interesting ones that you can learn from, which appear to be becoming fewer & farther between. As I said in an earlier post, I enjoy the casual spontaneous "anything goes" threads & communal chats as much as the next person. I simply think there's room for more subject-focused discussions, too. (Apart from US political concerns, there don't appear to be all that many these days.) Seriously, I can see that it might be more trouble than it's worth to instigate such threads, and then attempt to maintain them, if they there's a real chance of derailment. I mean, why would you bother?