Quote:No one carried pointless and purposeless ideas
Man can shape ideas, but it's often a case of idea shapes man. Perhaps pointless and purposeless ideas aren't carried on through the generations, but experience speaks to the contrary.
I once heard a story about a housewife who used to carve a piece of the sunday steak before she cooked it in the oven. The carved off piece she would cook separately afterward. She taught this to her daughter, but the daughter asked why she carved off one piece. The mother didn't know, so the daughter asked her grandmother.
The grandmother told her that it was something her mother had taught her to do, so the daughter talked to her great grandmother. She told her that the oven she'd used to cook for the family was too small for the steak, so she had to carve off a piece to fit it into the oven, and then cook the carved off piece later.
There was no need for later generations to do this, since they had big enough ovens, but the practice survived for several generations, simply because it was passed on.