Fri 3 Sep, 2010 06:59 pm
Ants Take on Goliath Role in Protecting Trees in the Savanna from Elephants
Ants are not out of their weight class when defending trees from the appetite of nature's heavyweight, the African elephant, a new study finds. Columns of angered ants will crawl up into ... > full story
oristarA wrote:
Ants Take on Goliath Role in Protecting Trees in the Savanna from Elephants
Ants are not out of their weight class when defending trees from the appetite of nature's heavyweight, the African elephant, a new study finds. Columns of angered ants will crawl up into ... > full story
Quote:out of their weight class
A better description might be "unable to compete".
Ants are [unable to compete] with elephants when defending trees....
The weight class reference is to competitive sports like boxing and wrestling where the contestants are divided into weight groups, e.g. lightweight, middleweight, heavyweight and only have contests with people in the same weight group. If a lightweight boxer had a fight with a heavyweight opponent he would be be boxing out of his weight class.