Tue 31 Aug, 2010 06:42 pm
We have a neuteured female Border Collie cross (9yrs ) from the SPCA
We did not have to train her She has always ask to be let outside whenever she needed to relief herself. Once in a while she has an accident, but it is always just by the door. That's more like we didn't pay attention, it's more like a human slip.
We took care of a male shnauzer for a while. He marked his territory in the living room on the hard wood. The Shnauzer is long gone, but once in a while our Border Collie goes to the same spot and urinate.
How can I stop that behavior ?
It is the smell that is triggering that behavior ? ( Although we don't smell anything ) How do I wash it ?
Has the hardwood turned black from the urine? That becomes another situation to correct.
An enzyme based cleaner removes urine smell as well as the buildup of dried uric salt crystals, getting rid of any stains.
One cure I was told to rub her nose to urinated parts.
Doesn't work.
Two reasons. Not a visual correction. It is the smell that brings them to it in the first place.