Quote:"The market closed high" (which is jargon anyway, but let's skate over that) means "The market closed when it was high."
"High" has got nothing to do with "closed", in the grammatical sense.
That's right, jargon is a non-issue as jargon is fully part of the English language.
Is, "The door closes high" jargon for carpenters?
Certainly, we can paraphrase any given sentence in English but focusing on the meaning doesn't really address what the part of speech is in the original sentence.
How did the market close? -> The market closed high.
It's starting to walk like an adverb and quack like an adverb again.
In what manner did the market close? -> The market closed high.
Example sentence: The market closed high.
++++Time 0.00 seconds (308.34 total)
Found 1 linkage (1 with no P.P. violations)
Unique linkage. cost vector = (UNUSED=0 DIS=0 AND=0 LEN=5)
+------Wd-----+ |
| +--Ds--+---Ss--+--MVa-+ |
| | | | | |
LEFT-WALL the market.n closed high.e .
[The parser labels words with part-of-speech tags, such as ".n" (noun), ".v" (verb), ".a" (adjective) and ".e" (adverb). ]
Constituent tree:
(S (NP The market)
(VP closed
(ADVP high))
Quote:Example sentence: The market is high.
++++Time 0.00 seconds (308.34 total)
Found 2 linkages (2 with no P.P. violations)
Linkage 1, cost vector = (UNUSED=0 DIS=0 AND=0 LEN=5)
+------Wd-----+ |
| +--Ds--+--Ss--+--Pa-+ |
| | | | | |
LEFT-WALL the market.n is.v high.a .
Constituent tree:
(S (NP The market)
(VP is
(ADJP high))
Linkage 2, cost vector = (UNUSED=0 DIS=2 AND=0 LEN=5)
+------Wd-----+ |
| +--Ds--+--Ss--+-MVa-+ |
| | | | | |
LEFT-WALL the market.n is.v high.e .
Constituent tree:
(S (NP The market)
(VP is
(ADVP high))
Well, that little exercise didn't confirm what I hoped it would confirm.
Allllthoooough, we can't assume that just because the parser mislabeled 'high' in the second example sentence it means that it mislabeled 'high' in the first example sentence.
Me, I'm still not sure. It's uncomfortable sitting on this here picket so, seeing as there are only two sides, I'm gonna climb down on the adverb side for the moment just to give my butt a bit of a reprieve but more ruminations are definitely in order.