Fido wrote:
Society has the right to protect itself from behavior likely to result in disease, disipation, or demoralization... It may seem like a harmless transaction, like buying porn, but if we do not understand the circumstances, and do not care we are doing some one an injustice, and are immoral for that... Most economic transactions grow out of unequal need and supply... One has what another wants and the one who wants is at a disadvantage, unless what one is selling, like labor one need to sell to suvive, and everyone is in the same boat... If there were no government regulations on the price of labor it would be driven into the dirt... The same is true of sex, that the price is what it is only because it is illegal... But at that, with porn, prostitution cheapens sex in the economy of marriage, where one gives to another exclusively and makes a sacrifice for the privilage... It is hardly fair for good women if every skank on the street is offering wares at a cut rate price and threatening her life with communicable diseases... People make a deal in marriage, and they should follow through, and what ever side deals they make is fine too... But sex without love is a form of violence, and it is unjust to self and other no matter what price is paid up front, and the willingness of some stupid drug addicted girl to be used and abused should not enter in to it, because that one deserves the protection of her society too, because if the truth is known, she is suffering from some mental illness or issue... We should sll be indignant, but not out of some ersatz morality; but for the real thing, a connection we have with all people, and with their pain...
I honestly don’t know where to begin with this reply, but I’ll try. First I’d like to point out that America has a divorce rate just over 50% (not to mention the marriages which are unhappily still together). However, your comment “sex without love is a form of violence” is plainly absurd. People have sex for any number of things; lust, revenge, spontaneous, pleasure, to name just a few.
As far as economics, I’m sure most people have a basic understanding of supply and demand to a degree. If it as you said, “prostitution cheapens sex in the economy of marriage”, then the marriage in itself is a sham and should not of been carried through in the first place. Because as you said, “marriage, where one gives to another exclusively and makes a sacrifice for the privilege”, then by that, the married would not partake in the purchase, thusly eliminating them from the equation (at least in a perfect world). Your contradictory argument and line of thought, or lake thereof, baffles me.
“If there were no government regulations on the price of labor it would be driven into the dirt”- Fido
Thus why legalization and regulations by the government is what is suggested.
“Society has the right to protect itself from behavior likely to result in disease, dissipation, or demoralization... It may seem like a harmless transaction, like buying porn, but if we do not understand the circumstances, and do not care we are doing some one an injustice”- Fido
If someone wanted to protect themselves from said disease, dissipation, demoralization they need only not to partake in the activities, much like not going to a strip club or purchasing porn. Once again people are trying to deny holding themselves responsible for their own lives/actions and instead are trying to govern everyone’s. If I wanted to go dress up like a horse and have a man break me like a bronco at some kind of sexcapade cowboy rodeo, who are you, or anyone, to deny me that?
All in all, it comes down to this, in my opinion, “There is no difference between good and evil, or right and wrong, there is only a difference in opinion.”
- Telamon