roger wrote:
Fido wrote:
It should remain illegal because it is a positive injury to society and individual... If society does not protect its individuals from behavior that is immoral because it ultimately injure the life of soceity, then it and individuals both must suffer those effects...
Somehow, I get the feeling you are saying it's an injury to society because it's immoral, and it's immoral because it's an injury to society. Even assuming it's moral to apply your morals to the rest of society, this just has to sound a little circular.
Morals are best undertood by the word Morale, which is the spiritual health of a body as opposed to physic, or the physical health... Some behavior is bad for morale, and anything that glosses over injustice is bad for morale... There is a reason murder is both illegal and immoral... When some one kills, another is killed and no one in society has the power to make society whole; so the object is, before hand, to teach that murder is wrong, immoral, which is to say: an injury to the spirit which binds us as a community... All governments are formed for good, said Aristotle, because that is the aim of all human activity... Obvious fact, but also keen observation since so much that we do is for our own perceived good, and that puts us at odds with other seeking their own benefit... For the moralist the question always comes up: What is the good of it???
Every choice we make is a moral choice, and for every individual action there are consequences for the whole of society... It is one thing to look at a prostitute as frozen in time, and to judge the individual act by its simple consequence, which may be minimal... That is not life, and not how things happen... Just as morals consider the spiritual life of the community, it must beconsidered as a thing, hopefully, eternal... So all activity must be viewed at minimum, cereally... What brought that girl to the point of being a prostitute???Who justifies her situation??? Who preys upon her and forces her continued behavior??? Who purchases her affection, and what are the long term consequences, and the short term consequences??? What good does it do for individuals and society???...
We can point to certain injury from the existence of prostitution, and we can presume much injury with resonable evidence... Drugs and prostitution are endemic in the city, but aids, one of the diseases common to prostitution and drug use left the city and moved to the country on the dicks of truckers to divestate many rural families, and burden failing health care systems... Many years ago the situation was the same with syphilus and gonorrea, so that society demanded the disease be stopped at its source, and these diseases are not cured, but are making a resurgence...The question of where is the good is easily answered in regard to prostitution...
There is no good to it...It flows out of injustice, and it spreads disease...Its injury goes to the heart of society and to the moral condition of the individual.... Should we put a price on everything in the whole world as capitalism does, then some things to some people would seem worthless because they are priceless... There will always be young people without skills or intelligence to support themselves at labor... These people should not be thrown into the trash of society to be abused and exploited by anyone with the desire; but should be protected... We can afford to help such people get by... We cannot afford prostitution...It is demoralizing...