My opinion is that I no longer much care to tell the truth.
I think all this **** has been going on forever, I think we're in the twilight of our years as a super power and empire, I think the general population is too ignorant, purposefully or otherwise, to take any responsibility for themselves, and that there has been cooperation between all political parties and leaders for a long time to use the middle class to pull the plow until government, in cooperation with the corporate world, harvest all that can be harvested and then eliminate the middle class and develop a modern day serf envrionment.
**** it. I'm old,I've had a good life, and we're not so much in the shitter quite yet that I can't live simply and comfortably for a few more years. I worry about my children and heirs but it's their burden to carry now.
I realize that sounds depressed and general, but it's not, it's just pragmatic.