parados wrote:Are you saying you are not decisive about some things David?
Yes; e.g., the fonetic propriety of using a y the same as an i.
parados wrote:I would say you are very decisive about your support of 8 year olds bringing guns to school.
Do you disagree?
I agree as a matter of general principle,
since I did it myself, as did other students with no ill effects.
The point is that for the sake of personal safety,
every person shoud be as able as possible to control a predatory emergency
if one arises, wherever he goes; he or she literally bets his or her life on the result.
Every predatory act is a contest of power.
I want the innocent person to win, therefore, I want him to have the means to do it.
I observe that there is no age limit in the 2nd Amendment
and that every human being has the
natural right
and the Constitutional right to defend himself from the predatory violence of man or beast.
I remember seeing a TV news report in the early 1990s; maybe 1980s, Peter Jennings World News Tonight,
about The School Where Children Have to Bring Guns to School.
It was in one of the Northwestern States; I don 't remember which.
The local fauna had been mauling or munching on the students
on their way to school, so a rule was enacted thay thay must
bring rifles, which were shown. Handguns were not sufficiently powerful.
Thay interviewed a group of kids aged 8 thru 12 who came to school together.
Each morning that put their coats on the coat rack, their hats
on the hat rack, their guns on the gun rack, and at the end of
the day thay took their stuff and went home, uneventfully.
Many schools had rifle teams; some still do.
No problem.
I applied, but other guys were more accurate.
If I had an 8 year old child, I 'd consider it my moral obligation
to help him remain alive.